PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 2 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Approved Risk Plan and quarterly risk mitigation reports QuarterlyConduct annual risk assessment/ review Produce a 3 year rolling strategic risk management plan Produce annual risk implementation plan 4th quarter risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 31 March 2015 Produce a 3 year rolling strategic risk management plan Risk Implementation plan for financial year st quarter risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 31 July nd quarter risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 30 September rd quarter risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 31 December Updated risk register approved by 31 March 2016
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 3 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Approved Internal Audit plan, quarterly monitoring reports and Internal Audit reports against the Plan Quarterly Produce a 3 year rolling strategic internal audit plan and submit to the Audit Committee for approval by 30 June 2016 Develop 3 year strategic and annual plan and submit to Audit Committee for approval by 30 June Quarterly audit implementation reports approved by Executing 4 th quarter Internal Audit progress report submitted to Audit Committee by 30 April st quarter Internal Audit progress report submitted to Audit Committee by 31 July nd quarter Internal Audit progress report submitted to Audit Committee by 30 September rd quarter Internal Audit progress report submitted to Audit Committee by 31 January 2017
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 4 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management DoW strategic and annual plans developed Quarterly Strategic Plans and APP prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks - 1st Draft of APP 2017/18 submitted to National Treasury and DPME 2nd Draft of APP 2017/18 submitted to National Treasury and DPME Final Strategic Plan and APP 2016/17 submitted to National Treasury and DPME by February Quarterly performance review conducted Quarterly Conduct quarterly performance review as prescribed by the relevant planning frameworks 4 th quarter 2015/16 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury and DPME 1 st quarter 2015/16 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury and DPME 2 nd quarter 2015/16 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury and DPME 3 rd quarter 2015/16 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury and DPME Improved Departmental MPAT scores Quarterlycompliance with all MPAT required Standards Status Report on the MPAT Improvement Plan provided MPAT and KPAs Coordinators appointed by the DG to attend DPME MPAT launch All required MPAT standards uploaded in the DPME MPAT System Status Report on the MPAT Improvement Plan provided required MPAT standards uploaded during the challenge period
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 5 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Financial Management % of invoices paid within 30 days Quarterly 100% payment of all valid invoices within 30 days Quarterly report showing trends of payment of suppliers who submitted a valid invoices produced Financial statements and reports QuarterlyObtain an unqualified audit opinion and no material findings on financial statements annually Accurate annual financial statements compiled and submitted to the AG and to National Treasury (NT) by31 May st quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to NT by 31 July nd quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to NT by 31 October rd quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to NT by 31 January 2017
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 6 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management Reduced vacancy rate Quarterly Maintain a vacancy rate of less than 10% annually 10% or less on average over the quarter 10% or less on average over the quarter 10% or less on average over the quarter 10% or less on average over the quarter % of disciplinary cases finalised within the time frame Quarterly 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days of the cases being initiated 100% disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days % of achievement of ICT systems availability Achieve an average of 95% systems availability on annual basis measured by reports produced quarterly as generated by the system 95% systems Availability achieved 95% systems Availability achieved 95% systems Availability achieved 95% systems Availability achieved % of Business systems implemented Quarterly 85% of ICT Business application developed on annual basis Business application implementation plan produced and approved 40% achievement of targets in the business applications plan 60% achievement of targets in the business applications plan 85% achievement of targets in the business applications plan
PROGRAMME 2: SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION AND ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT 7 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Social Empowerment and Transformation Intervention mechanisms to support women’s socio-economic empowerment through assessment of child care provision Quarterly Intervention mechanisms for women’s social participation and empowerment engendered (focused on women’s care responsibilities: concept document on childcare as support developed) Consultation document on the provision of childcare best practices Consultation on intervention mechanisms for improved childcare Analysis brief on childcare Concept document on improved provision of childcare for socio- economic empowerment of women Intervention mechanisms for women’s socio-economic empowerment through improved recognition of women’s productive contribution to household and community care work Quarterly Intervention mechanisms for women’s social participation and empowerment engendered (focus on unpaid care work: concept document on improved recognition of women’s productive contribution to household and community care work developed) Consultation document of household and community care work developed Sector consultation on women’s productive contribution to household and community care work Analysis brief of household and community care work Concept document on intervention mechanisms for improved recognition of women’s productive contribution to household and community care work
PROGRAMME 2: SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION AND ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT 8 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Participation Improved women’s socio-economic empowerment through engendering government’s 9 Point Plan Quarterly Report on Interventions to ensure the economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan Consultations with stakeholders in the economic sector Progress Report on consultations with stakeholders in the economic sector developed Stakeholders capacitated to ensure the economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan Report on Interventions to ensure the economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan Women’s financial inclusion discussion paper QuarterlyDiscussion paper on women’s financial inclusion Discussion document on financial inclusion refined for consultation. Consultation on the discussion paper for women’s financial inclusion Following consultation, the discussion document on financial inclusion, following consultation Discussion paper for women’s financial inclusion developed
PROGRAMME 2: SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION AND ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT 9 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Focal Points developed Quarterly Discussion document on strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Focal Points developed Draft Discussion document on strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Focal Points consulted with stakeholders Framework on strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Focal Points developed Gender Responsive Budgeting framework developed Quarterly Gender Responsive Budgeting framework developed Analysis on Gender Responsive Budgeting best practices produced Draft Gender Responsive Budgeting framework consulted with stakeholders Gender Responsive Budgeting framework developed Discussion paper towards a National Prevention Strategy for IPA on Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) Quarterly Discussion paper towards a National Prevention Strategy for IPOA on VAWC developed Discussion paper on the prevention strategy on IPOA on VAWC initiated Discussion document on the prevention strategy on IPOA on VAWC consulted with stakeholders Discussion paper on the prevention strategy on IPOA on VAWC developed Assessing the impact of the implementation of the Sexual Offences Act QuarterlyAnalysis report of best practices on integrated services for GBV survivors as part of monitoring the impact of the Sexual Offences Act developed Analysis of Best Practice of integrated services for GBV survivors discussion paper Analysis of Best Practice of integrated services for GBV survivors discussion paper consulted Analysis of Best Practice of integrated services for GBV survivors report developed Monitor implementation of recommendations of Analysis of Best Practice of integrated services for GBV survivors report
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 10 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Research and Policy Analysis Research on the specific areas related to the Nine-Point Plan to inform measures for the promotion of women socio-economic empowerment and gender equality Quarterly Research analytical report on land reform and Agri- Parks programmes developed Progress report on research analysis of land reform programmes developed Solemn declaration update report Progress report on research analysis of Agri- parks programme developed Progress report on research analysis of best practices on land reform and Agri-parks programmes developed Research analytical report on land reform and Agri- Parks programmes developed Research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment in relation to the Nine- Point Plan developed Quarterly Five-Year research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine- Point Plan developed and implemented Draft research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine-Point Plan consulted Research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine-Point Plan finalised Research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine-Point Plan published Progress report on the implementation of the research Strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine- Point Plan developed
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 11 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Research and Policy Analysis Gender analysis of policies related to the Nine-Point Plan conducted Quarterly Two gender policy papers on benefits to women of government incentive schemes in land reform and Agri-Parks programmes as related to the Nine- Point Plan developed Progress report on gender policy analysis of the land reform programme related to Nine- Point Plan developed Policy paper on gender policy analysis of the land reform programme related to the Nine-Point Plan developed Progress report on gender policy analysis of the Agri-Parks programme related to the Nine-Point Plan developed Policy paper on gender policy analysis of the Agri- Parks programme related to the Nine- Point Plan developed
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 12 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Information and Knowledge Management Information and knowledge gateway on socio -economic empowerment of women and gender equality developed QuarterlyPhase one of IKM strategy implemented (Audits on Information & Knowledge management) related to nine point plan conducted Progress report on implementation of phase one of the IKM strategy (initiation of audits) Progress report on implementation of phase one of the IKM strategy Progress report on implementation of phase one of the IKM strategy Phase one of IKM strategy implemented (gateway initiated)
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 13 Key Performance Indicator Reportin g Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach Number of reports on the domestication of international commitments (SDGs, SADC, AU, UN) Quarterly Three reports on the domestication of international commitments (SDGs, SADC, AU, UN) - AU Agenda 2063 domesticated AU Summit preparation UNSCR 1325 domesticated Preparation Meeting for SADC ministers responsible for gender SDGs domesticated UN-CSW Preparation UN-CSW AU Specialised Technical Committee (STC) Number of outreach initiatives on Women including Young Women on socio-economic empowerment of women and promotion of human rights in line with MTSF outcomes Quarterly 4 outreach initiatives on women (including young women) empowerment and promotion of human rights conducted per annum 1 outreach initiative on socio- economic empowerment for young women (40 th anniversary of the Soweto youth uprisings) 1 outreach initiative on socio-economic empowerment for women (60 th anniversary of women`s march) 1 outreach initiative on socio- economic empowerment for women (16 days of activism campaign) 1 outreach initiative on socio- economic empowerment for women (international women’s day) Number of community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women such as gender-based violence, social cohesion, nation building and other related intolerances Quarterly Nine community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio-economic issues affecting women such as gender-based violence, social cohesion, nation building and other related intolerances per year Two community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio-economic issues affecting young women (gender based violence, social cohesion and nation building) Three community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women (social cohesion and nation building) Three community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women (gender based violence) One community mobilisation initiative conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women (gender based violence, social cohesion and nation building)
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 14 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Establishment of the Monitoring & Evaluation system Quarterly M&E system developed Initiate the development of the M&E system Draft M&E System Testing of the M&E system Approved M&E system Number of reported cases by nature of gender based violence analysed Quarterly Reported cases by nature of gender based violence from justice cluster analysed Analyse reported cases by nature of gender based violence in police stations Analyse prosecuted cases by nature of gender based violence by National Prosecuting Authority Analyse turn-around time to conclude cases of gender based Violence Monitor programmes developed by justice cluster to prevent gender-based violence Analysis report on integrated services for GBV survivors as part of monitoring the impact of the Sexual Offences Act Number of Strategic Planning documents of the Economic cluster Departments analysed Quarterly2 Report on the analysis of Strategic Planning documents of the Economic cluster Departments developed One report developed on the number of strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments analysed Monitor the implementation of the recommendation from the analysis of the strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments Progress report on the analysis of strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments for APP 2017/2018 One report on the analysis of the strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments Developed
PROGRAMME 3: POLICY, STAKEHOLDER AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 15 Key Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2016/17 Quarterly Targets Q1Q2Q3Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Number of impact assessment reports on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments Quarterly Two impact assessment reports on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments - One impact assessment report on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments compiled - One impact assessment report on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments compiled Women empowerment M&E frameworks developed Quarterly Women empowerment M&E frameworks approved and implemented Women empowerment M&E frameworks developed Women empowerment M&E frameworks approved Induction of stakeholders on the approved women empowerment M&E frameworks Cascading of the women empowerment M&E frameworks to all sector departments and municipalities