American Values
Personal Achievement Doing well @ school & work is important Gaining wealth & prestige is a sign of success
Progress & Material Comfort History is marked by ongoing progress, & this progress improves people’s lives
Work Discipline, dedication, & hard work are signs of virtue
Individualism Hard work, initiative, & individual effort are the keys to personal achievement
Efficiency & Practicality Every problem can be solved through efficiency & practicality Getting things done well in the shortest time is important
Morality & Humanitarianism Judgments should be based on a sense of right & wrong This sense of morality involves helping the less fortunate
Equality & Democracy Everyone should have an equal chance @ success & the right to participate freely in government
Freedom Personal freedoms, such as freedom of religion, speech, & the press, are central to the American way of life
Self-fulfillment Commitment to the full development of one’s personality, talents, & potential Ex: leisure, physical fitness, youthfulness
Did we forget anything? Personal Achievement Morality & Humanitarianism Progress & Material Comfort Equality & Democracy Work Freedom Individualism Self-Fulfilment Efficiency & Practicality ????
What American values would you change. Why would you change it What American values would you change? Why would you change it? How do you think it can be changed? Be thorough in your answers, this is graded on effort, not right/wrong Be prepared to share your answers with the class Personal Achievement Morality & Humanitarianism Progress & Material Comfort Equality & Democracy Work Freedom Individualism Self-Fulfilment Efficiency & Practicality ????