Humid Subtropical by Mr. Rice
Temperate Climate is the Parent climate Humid Subtropical is a subclimate of Temperate climates. Temperate climates are generally known for having four distinct seasons; spring, summer, fall & winter. They generally have varied plant and animal populations.
Average Rainfall of Humid Subtropical 30 to 75 inches. Storms occur year-round in humid subtropical regions. The occasional hurricane can strike, bringing violent winds, heavy rain, and high seas.
There are many varieties of animals that can occupy a Humid Subtropical climate. Here are some examples.
American Alligator The average size for an American alligator, also known as a “gator”, is 8.2 feet. Exceptionally large males can reach half a ton or 1,000 pounds. Both males and females have an “armored” body with a muscular flat tail. They are carnivores with strong jaws that can crack a turtle shell.
Florida Panther The Florida panther is tawny brown on its back with pale gray underneath. It primarily eat white-tailed deer. This beautiful cat is known by many names; puma, cougar, mountain lion, catamount & panther.
Brazil’s Capybara The capybara are closely related to guinea pigs. They inhabit dense forests and live near bodies of water. It is a highly social species and can be found in groups as large as 100 individuals. It is also the largest rodent in the world.
The Humid Subtropical climate is especially suited for lush vegetation and diverse plant life. Some examples include:
Palm Trees Palm trees are a botanical family of perennial shrubs and trees. Well known palm trees are date & coconut palms. There are over 2600 species of palm trees ranging from tropical to warm temperate climates.
Spanish Moss Spanish moss is a flowering plant that grows upon larger trees, commonly the Southern Live Oak or Bald Cypress in the southeastern United States from Texas and Florida north to Southern Arkansas and Maryland.
Pineapple Trees The pineapple is a plant with edible multiple fruit consisting of coalesced berries. They actually grow on plants instead of trees, which is a common misconception. Pineapples are consumed fresh, cooked, juiced or preserved.
Major Characteristics of Humid Subtropical Humid subtropical climates are usually found on the east coast of continents between 20 and 40 degrees north and south of the equator. Florida is an example of a Humid Subtropical climate. Temperatures are usually high (above 70) throughout the year, but cool down for a few months. Technically there are only two seasons: summer & winter. However, the winter season is not a cold winter.
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