Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? Biology * Honors Biology* WEEK 32 The final countdown MAY 16 the E O C
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? the DaiLy 4/18/16 ~ Monday*DAY 142*w32 CHAP 12.1 Substance of Genes READ CHAP ps DO Key Q’s p.338 (3) DUE Tuesday BEGIN Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Quizlet 12.1 and BEGIN Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 What You Need to Know You need to know the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of genetic information. You need to know that mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change and how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring. You need to know the basic processes of transcription and translation and how they result in gene expression. You will also need to know that the basic processes of DNA are universal in organisms. You need to know that similarities in the genetic codes of organisms are due to common ancestry and the process of inheritance.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? DIN 4/18/16 DIN 4/18/16 DAY 142 *WK32 SC.912.L.16.1 Genetics Alleles for the A and B blood cell antigens are codominant. The condition where no antigens are present on the blood cells (type O blood) is a recessive trait. Which set of parents can most likely produce a child with type O blood? A. one parent with type AB blood, and the other parent with type A blood B. one parent with type AB blood and the other parent with type O blood C. one parent with heterozygous type A blood, and the other parent with type O blood D. one parent with homozygous type A blood, and the other parent with homozygous type B blood
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? the DaiLy 4/19/16 ~ Tuesday*DAY 143*w32 CHAP 12.2 Structure of DNA READ CHAP 12.2 pps DO Key Q’s p.344 (3) DUE Wednesday BEGIN Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Quizlet CHAP 12 BEGIN Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 What You Need to Know You need to know the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of genetic information. You need to know that mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change and how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring. You need to know the basic processes of transcription and translation and how they result in gene expression. You will also need to know that the basic processes of DNA are universal in organisms. You need to know that similarities in the genetic codes of organisms are due to common ancestry and the process of inheritance.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? DIN 4/19/16 DIN 4/19/16 DAY 143 *WK32 SC.912.L.16.1 Genetics One of the parents of a child has phenylketonuria (PKU), which is caused by recessive alleles. The other parent does not have the PKU alleles. What is the chance that the couple will have a child with phenylketonuria? A. 0% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? the DaiLy 4/20/16 ~ Wednesday*DAY 144*w32 CHAP 12.3 DNA Replication READ CHAP 12.3 pps DO Key Q’s p.350 (3) DUE Wednesday & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Quizlet CHAP 12 & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 What You Need to Know You need to know the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of genetic information. You need to know that mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change and how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring. You need to know the basic processes of transcription and translation and how they result in gene expression. You will also need to know that the basic processes of DNA are universal in organisms. You need to know that similarities in the genetic codes of organisms are due to common ancestry and the process of inheritance.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? DIN 4/20/16 DIN 4/20/16 DAY 144 *WK32 SC.912.L.16.1 Genetics Hitchhiker's thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker's thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker's thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker's thumb. What is the probable genotypic ratio of their children? A. 0% Hh: 100% hh B. 50% Hh: 50% hh C. 75% Hh: 25% hh D. 100% Hh: 0% hh
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? the DaiLy 4/21/16 ~ Thursday*DAY 145*w32 CHAP COMPLETE READING the CHAPTER READ CHAP 12 continuing EduSMART DNA topics & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication DUE Friday Quizlet CHAP 12 & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 What You Need to Know You need to know the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of genetic information. You need to know that mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change and how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring. You need to know the basic processes of transcription and translation and how they result in gene expression. You will also need to know that the basic processes of DNA are universal in organisms. You need to know that similarities in the genetic codes of organisms are due to common ancestry and the process of inheritance.
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? DIN 4/21/16 DIN 4/21/16 DAY 145 *WK32 SC.912.L.16.1 Genetics This diagram shows a pedigree for a recessive genetic disorder. What is the genotype of individual 6? A. X H X H B. X H X h C. X H Y D. X h Y
Lesson Overview Lesson Overview What is Ecology? the DaiLy 4/22/16 ~ Thursday*DAY 145*w32 CHAP 12 * The DNA CANDY LAB & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication DUE Today Quizlet CHAP 12 & Edgenuity 16.3 DNA Replication Objectives: SC.912.L.16.3 What You Need to Know You need to know the basic process of DNA replication and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of genetic information. You need to know that mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change and how mutations in gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring. You need to know the basic processes of transcription and translation and how they result in gene expression. You will also need to know that the basic processes of DNA are universal in organisms. You need to know that similarities in the genetic codes of organisms are due to common ancestry and the process of inheritance.