Service Learning Project Pi Omega Pi 5K Run/Walk for Hunger Relief Methods II – Fall 2012 Kayla Hemminger, Rachael Aufman, Scott Mehall, Courtney Skemp, Hannah Lockard and Lora Roxby
The problem Hunger and malnutrition are the #1 risks to health worldwide. In 2010 there were 925 million hungry people in the world, according to Poverty is the principal cause of hunger. The world produces enough food to feed everyone. What can WE do to help end world hunger?
The idea 5K Run/Walk for Hunger Relief ▫Why: Raise money to donate to world hunger relief ▫Where: IUP Campus and Downtown Indiana, PA ▫Who: Pi Omega Pi (and COBSAC?) ▫When: October 13, 2012 from 9am – 12pm (tentative date) Proceeds will go to Stop Hunger NowStop Hunger Now Goal - $1,500
The plan Promotions ▫Flyers around town and on the IUP campusFlyers around town and on the IUP campus ▫Advertise in The Beak ▫Advertise in The Penn ▫Advertise in The Indiana Gazette ▫IUP web site ▫Facebook ▫Twitter ▫Web site
The plan Participants ▫IUP students, faculty, and staff as well as Indiana community members Entry Fee ▫Up to two weeks prior to the event - $15 ▫13 days prior to the event up to the day of the event - $20 T-shirt may/may not be available ▫Mail-able entry forms available, potentially online registration and payment ▫Confirmation letter ( ) will be mailed (sent) out when payment is received
The plan Sponsorship ▫Ask local businesses to sponsor the event based on set dollar amounts in exchange for recognition at the event and name on the t-shirt. ▫Written letter presented to local businessesWritten letter presented to local businesses Platinum: $125+ Gold: $100 Silver: $50 Bronze: $25
The plan Potential Costs ▫Shirts ▫Numbers ▫Refreshments ▫Promotional Printing/Advertising ▫Web site ▫Prizes for fastest time? 50/50 Raffle at the event
The committee Chair: Courtney Skemp PR/Sponsorship: Rachael Aufman and Lora Roxby Advertising: Kayla Hemminger and Hannah Lockard Registration/Money: Scott Mehall Advisor: Dr. Lucinda Willis