MIS Day 3 Outline 1.Root Cause Analysis Figuring out the underlying problem & objectives for a solution 2.Process Modeling Data flow diagrams 3.Group Project 1 Overview & team meeting :
Root Cause Analysis A series of symptoms, one causing the next, can lead to the root cause. Why? To come to an early agreement on the scope of the project.
Digging Down Through Layers of Symptoms Declining profits Total expenses up Travel expenses up Sales Territory Assignment Symptom 1 Symptom 2 Symptom 3 Symptom 4 or Problem or root cause? Why? Root Cause Analysis
Solution/Definition for Root Cause Symptom(s) Cause(s) Solutions Objective(s) Performance criteria System Definition effort External constraints Internal constraints Solution effort Group Project #1
Provides consulting and software for factory automation Mainly engineers with a broad spectrum of technical expertise relating to their diverse factory automation systems that they manufacture and market around the world Offices in Austin and Dallas Project request -- to automate their paper-based “Skill Set system” They wanted to be able to quickly identify employees possessing the required knowledge and skills demanded by business opportunities as they emerged. Like most industrial marketing organizations, they respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) submitted by other firms. To be competitive, they need to respond quickly with proposals that showed their relevant expertise and experience. The MIS 374 team interviewed key stakeholders the first week into the project: three project managers in different company areas and Yolanda Garza, the HR director who actually managed the manila folders that was the data storage of the firm’s “Skill Set system.” Advanced System Technology Associates (ASTA)
ASTA -- existing “system”
From their early interviews, the team reported their results Their recommendation was to create an automated Skill Set system and two other recommendations One was a Market Intelligence system to provide information for project managers about market trends and competitor activities to improve ASTA's ability to predict demand. Another was a warning to upper management that some ASTA employees seldom updated their skill set folders. Even if the team created an easy-to-use, web-based Skill Set system the firm may need to create incentives or clearer rules about employees keeping their files updated. ASTA Root Cause Analysis
ASTA Symptoms are user-oriented— something a user would complain about or an opportunity a user would respond to “Points of pain”
Should you address this HR issue ? For each objective have at least 1 performance criteria ASTA
Modeling System Processes & Data Process model: Graphically illustrates the movement of data between environmental entities, the processes, and data stores within a system. Scott Ambler, Agile Modeling web site
Data Flow Analysis & Design
Data Flow Symbols 1.Environmental entity or External entity - the originator of data or receiver of information outside automation boundary 2.Process bubble - a process step that transforms data 3.Data flow arrow - data and information passing between environmental entities, processes, and data stores 4.Data store - a place to keep data for later reference (can be a data file, file cabinet, note pad, etc.)
The 4 Symbols - illustrated Scott Ambler, Agile Modeling web site Data Store (D1) Data Stores (D2 & 3) Data Store (D4) Data flow arrows Process Bubbles Environmental Entity
Visio Software Design Shapes Exercise 4 & Group Project 1
DFD Stencil Sentence-by- sentence examples Resources page – Stencil package
Visio Window with Stencil & Help
Visio Software Sources 1.VISIO is on McCombs Lab PCs 2.You can download VISIO from Dreamspark– from Clint with logon info
Dreamspark– Visio and MS Project
Data Flow Diagramming Rules Basic rules that apply to all DFDs 1.Inputs to a process are always different than outputs. 2.Objects always have a unique name. To keep the diagram uncluttered, you may repeat EEs and data stores on a diagram “Forms” enter Process 1. “Validated Forms” flow to Process 2.0
Data Flow Process Rules Process No process can have only outputs A miracle No process can have only inputs A black hole Process label has very-object name
Data Flow Data Storage Rules Data Storage 1.Data cannot be moved directly from one store to another 2.Data cannot move directly from an environmental entity to a data store 3.A data store has a noun phrase label x x
Data Flow Diagramming Rules Data Flow A data flow has only one direction of flow between symbols A fork means that exactly the same data goes from a common location to two or more processes, data stores
Context Diagram Special case of the dataflow diagram, in which a single circle represents the entire system The context diagram is composed of 3 elements: 1.Environmental entity … the originator of data or receiver of information outside automation boundary 2.System circle with label (single circle is entire system) 3.Data flow … data and information elements passing between environmental entities & system
Context Diagram Highest level DFD Has data flows, environmental entities, one process (system in focus) and no data stores. Shows the system boundary and interactions with environmental entities. Environmental entity - Student Process Name - Student Administration System Data Flows - Application Details, Confirmation/Rejection Details
Orders Supplies Order Requisitions Order Confirmation Order Cancellations Shipment Date Changes Beer Thank You Letters Summary of Removals Critical Levels Report Order Log Report Inventory Log Report Inventory Discrepancy Report Celis Brewry ITS/IPS Suppliers Management Distributors Recipients Of Free Beer Celis Brewery: Context Diagram for the Proposed IPS & ITS Enhancements
Latinitas Context Diagram
A Texas Oil & Gas Company
Final Construction Inception Early tasks 1.Stakeholder table 2.Sw & Hw Environments table 3.Root Cause Analysis 4.Context Diagram 5.Data Flow Diagrams Group Project 1 Deliveries -- analysis of existing situation Focus on “As Is” Situation
Group Project 1 Deliveries Stakeholders, Roles, and Responsibilities Table Software & Hardware Environments Root Cause Analysis Data Flow Diagrams Last class HW & this class This class & next class See Specification Step 2 333k, 365
Group Project 1 Process Stakeholders, Roles, and Responsibilities Table Software & Hardware Environments Table Root Cause Analysis Suggested order Use a highlighter and jot notes while you read the case.
`Group Project 1 DFD Process Design Process Production Process Tracking Project Costs 1. Start Top Down (overview paragraphs) Create a rough draft of each of these when you read the case. Create your summary DFDs (the Figure 0 and final Context Diagram) last. 2. Bottom up next