Chapter Pgs Objective: I can describe the basic categories of the endocrine system and relate them to various feedback mechanisms I’ve learned.
Nervous System involves Electrical Signals & Chemical Neurotransmitters Fast and Immediate response (transient) Endocrine System involves Chemical Hormones & Endocrine Glands Secreted into extracellular fluid & carried by circulatory system (remains internal) Hormones only act on target cells (receptors) Slow response but longer-lasting…AND… Two systems NOT exclusive (often work together) Neurosecretory cells receive neural (electrical impulse) and secrete hormone (Ductless) neuro confined widespread FYI, pheremones are external
Endocrine: long distance Paracrine: short distance: local signal nearby cells Autocrine: signal itself externally…wha..? Para/Auto-crine use local regulators (not hormones) Synaptic: nervous (elec/chem) Neuroendocrine: combination of the two Classify by distance neurotransmitters
Growth factors (i.e. cytokines) For cells: promote division Nitric Oxide (NO) Vasodilation (increase blood flow) Viagra works on NO pathway… Prostaglandins First found in prostate gland (added to semen) Uterine walls (aides conception/contractions) Promote fever/inflammation/pain Ibuprofen inhibit prostaglandin (relieves pain)
3 chemical classes; 2 soluble classes Small proteins (peptides): at most ~30 amino acids Amines dervied from amino acids Steroids (type of lipid…) Hormones signal a change in target cell by 1) Reception: 2 possibilities On cell membrane or Within cell/nucleus 2) Signal Transduction (chain reactions) 3) Response: 2 possibilities Cytoplasmic or Nuclear If nuclear, regulation of gene Water-soluble Lipid-soluble Review Ch. 11 Why different reception?
If water-soluble hormone… Receptor on surface of cell membrane Response can be cytoplasmic or nuclear If lipid-soluble hormone… Receptor in cytoplasm or nucleus Response can be either May need to make second messengers cAMP, IP 3
Hormones will circulate throughout entire body and only affect cells with receptor But can have different cells with same receptor, resulting in different responses How?
Review Control Pathway (w/Feedback) Ch.40 1) Receptor or Sensor (located on ) 2) Control Center (Endocrine Gland/Cell) 3) Effector (Target Cell) For Endocrine system, control center sends out hormone (efferent signal) Pathways can be simple or complex (figure) Pathways can be classified as Negative Feedback Positive Feedback
Negative Failure in this results in… Diabetes (2 types) Type 1 = immune system destroys pancreas ability to make insulin Type 2 = cells stop responding to insulin