Halldor Thorgeirsson Director Sustainable Development Mechanisms UNFCCC secretariat Post-2012 – State of the negotiation process and outlook UNFCCC Technical Workshop on JI Bonn, October, 2007
Prospects for Bali | Building momentum Unparalleled attention at highest levels Important players have or are in the process of reconsidering their concerns and positions Deep lack of trust remains The complexity of the issues is close to overwhelming the capacity of the political system to cope => need to simplify
The two-track approach | Current situation Convention Dialogue: Analysis of strategic approaches Kyoto Ad-hoc Working Group Development goals Adaptation Technology Potential of markets Positive incentives for voluntary action by developing countries Appropriate national and international response Financing Mitigation potential and range of mitigation objectives Means to achieve objectives Consideration of further commitments Formal negotiations Informal process
Breakthrough in Bali | What needs to happen Decide to negotiate a comprehensive post-2012 agreement Establish a negotiating process with clear tasks Set a timeframe ( )
Building blocks | Interconnected Mitigation Adaptation Technology Finance
Building blocks in 2000 Mitigation [Adaptation]
Global action Sustainable development objectives and national circumstances Investment and Finance MitigationAdaptation Technology