Our Goal For High School Visits Provide valuable information to prospective students Give current students the chance to help usher in the next generation of Penn Staters and give back to our university Without a critical time commitment
What You’re Presenting 1 hour presentation 45 minute presentation with personal stories and 15 minutes of Q&A Times may fluctuate from presentation to presentation May have less time allotted depending on school Please be flexible Fast Fact Sheet Potential for Cafeteria Presentation
Your Materials Presentation we have created for you Covers general topics (THON, Greek life, Academics, etc.) Add in your own personal stories Fast Fact Sheet to answer any questions you don’t know Pins, Posters, bag distribution
How to Contact a H.S. for a Visit Call the schools you desire to visit Speak with the guidance office or ask who handles the college visit forums Once Confirmed then.. Sign-Up: To see who is going where Can do more than one visit!
Professionalism Confirm your visit the day before Attire: Current Lion Scouts: tour polo and khakis Non-Lion Scouts: t-shirt that will be provided and either nice jeans or khakis Be Punctual Wear a name tag Above all else, be courteous and kind
Feedback Plan Prospective Students Get their names and s and we will send them a survey Recruiters (You) Give us your name and so we can send you a survey Follow up with the High School Give them a quick phone call saying thank you for letting you visit
Do’s/Don’ts for Presentation DO be as friendly, energetic and out-going as possible DO mingle with students who seem interested but are shy to approach you Don’t bring up the scandal If asked, be authentic and answer from your own perspective Don’t talk about personal information DO NOT GIVE STUDENTS YOUR SAT/GPA SCORES DO NOT give them your Financial Aid Information Don’t talk about your partying experiences
Other Do’s/Dont’s Commonwealth Campus Not branch campus University Park Not main campus
Thank you!