Lorenza Jachia UNECE Secretariat Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies Lorenza Jachia UNECE Secretariat 2 nd Session of Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards May 2016, Geneva
WP. 6: Five main areas of work Advocate for use of standards by Goverrnments & by the UN / Engage standards organizations Advocacy Engage in regional/international efforts Remove technical barriers to trade in specific sectors Regulatory cooperation Fight proliferation of counterfeit and non-compliant goods on the markets Market surveillance Safer and more resilient communities and eco-systems Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks Bring toolbox of standards to Universities Education on standards- related issues
1) Advocacy Ongoing work: Promote use of standards in regulatory and policy work as well as by the United Nations system Achievements in 2015: December 2015 – WSC workshop on conformity assessment (co- organized by UNECE, ISO, IEC and ITU) November 2015 – UNECE – ISO – IEC Workshop on «Using and referencing international standards to support public policy»
3) Advocacy (cont. ) Recent activities : UNECE & UN/HABITAT co-conveners of a task force under ISO TC 292 on «Security and resilience» To assess needs for standards in the implementation of the Sendai framework
1) Advocacy (cont.) UNECE WP. 6 secretariat in undertaking a research on international regulatory cooperation activities in UNECE (under the umbrella of an OECD project) WP. 6 at its last annual session discussed how stds contribute to SDGs Discussion on gender mainstreaming in standardization at the next session
WP. 6: Five main areas of work Advocate for use of standards by Goverrnments & by the UN / Engage standards organizations Forum for dialogue Engage in regional/international efforts Remove technical barriers to trade in specific sectors Regulatory cooperation Fight proliferation of counterfeit and non-compliant goods on the markets Market surveillance Safer and more resilient communities and eco-systems Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks Bring toolbox of standards to Universities Education on standards- related issues
2)Regulatory cooperation Planned/recent activities WTO/TBT sessions, Geneva (November/March/June) – Participate actively in meetings of the WTO TBT Committee E15 Taskforce (ICTSD & WEF): Strengthening the global trade & investment system (Task force on Regulatory Coherence) es/regulatory-coherence Thinkpiece published
2) Regulatory cooperation Ongoing work: Promote and participate in regulatory cooperation efforts regionally and internationally (WTO/OECD/EASC/ARSO) Develop/implement a common regulatory framework in specific sectors: −Telecommunications −Earth-moving equipment −ExEquipment −Pipelines safety
WP. 6: Five main areas of work Advocate for use of standards by Goverrnments in the UN / Engage standards organizations Forum for dialogue Engage in regional/international efforts Remove technical barriers to trade in specific sectors Regulatory cooperation Fight proliferation of counterfeit and non-compliant goods on the markets Market surveillance Safer and more resilient communities and eco-systems Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks Bring toolbox of standards to Universities Education on standards- related issues
3) Market surveillance Recent deliverables Mapping of regional and global market surveillance networks Template for exchanging info among MSAs
3) Market surveillance 5-6 September: 14th MARS Group meeting, Ankara Proposed topics for discussion: - risk assessment for MSAs - prioritisation of products - supply chain and obligation of actors - cooperation with customs - product safety and fake products.
WP. 6: Five main areas of work Advocate for use of standards by Goverrnments in the UN / Engage standards organizations Advocacy Engage in regional/international efforts Remove technical barriers to trade in specific sectors Regulatory cooperation Fight proliferation of counterfeit and non-compliant goods on the markets Market surveillance Safer and more resilient communities and eco-systems Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks Bring toolbox of standards to Universities Education on standards- related issues
RM publication (2012) Introduces the concept of risk and risk management Adapts complex RM tools to the work of authorities Based on international standards & related terminology (specifically ISO 31000) How to, hands on approach with many examples, case studies, walk through solutions 4) Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks
Recent/forthcoming activities: Field work: In cooperation with UNIDO workshops in Nigeria and in Malawi – in cooperation with ARSO – proposed Namibia and Uganda Developing tools for cooperation between customs and enforcement authorities Planning for a physical meeting in late 2016 or early 2017
WP. 6: Five main areas of work Advocate for use of standards by Goverrnments & by the UN / Engage standards organizations Forum for dialogue Engage in regional/international efforts Remove technical barriers to trade in specific sectors Regulatory cooperation Fight proliferation of counterfeit and non-compliant goods on the markets Market surveillance Safer and more resilient communities and eco-systems Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks Bring toolbox of standards to Universities Education on standards- related issues
5) Education on Standards- Related issues Ongoing work: Promote best practice/Recommendation I Participation in the work of the ISO/IEC/ITU/University of Geneva Recent achievements: participated in events organized by: U-Penn University in Philadelphia the League of European Research Universities (LERU) in Milan University of Geneva – CERG programme Future plans: Develop an online resource for standards and standards-related issues
FORTHCOMING ACTIVITIES 30 November 2016 – 2 December 2016 Annual session of WP. 6 Revision of Recommendations F & G on conformity assessment Possibly event on CA organized in cooperation with the World Standards Cooperation Forum 5-6 September 2016 MARS annual meeting hosted by Turkey Technical cooperation activities In cooperation with the EU TBT ACP Project field activities on the implementation of the GRM methodology on «Risk management in regulatory frameworks in the sector of fisheries» to be held in Namibia and Ouganda In Kirghizstan, pending EXCOM approval, training materials will be custom- designed and delivered to trade support institutions, traders & government officials in matters related to risk management in regulatory systems, conformity assessment and market surveillance;
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