Ms. Inessa Galitchi, GEF SGP National Coordinator Republic of Moldova Brussels, May 2016 Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity of Non-Governmental Organizations (EU-NGO Project)
Background information Since 2012, the EU-NGOs Project has supported 13 countries to the East and South of the European Union, with more than 60 projects promoting effective civil society participation in environmental governance. The Programme started its first phase in eight countries: Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Tunisia and Ukraine. Five additional countries joined during the second phase of the project in 2014: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Morocco.
Our partnership Funded by the European Union Implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) The decentralized structure of SGP encourages maximum country and community-level ownership and initiative.
EU-NGOs – Republic of Moldova cooperation context The EU-NGOs Programme in Moldova started in 2014 Main Focus: strengthening the internal and external capacities of NGOs in environmental governance through trainings, structured policy dialogues, and multi-stakeholder workshops Total Budget: USD 200,000 Implementation timeframe: 2014-June 2016
Capacity Results Outcomes Capacities for engagement Capacities to generate, access, and use information and knowledge Capacities for strategy, policy and legislation development Capacities for management and implementation Capacities to monitor and evaluate environmental impacts and trends
EU-NGOs approach To be effective at the national level, EU-NGOs grant projects must be aligned with broader development priorities and contribute to meeting associated environmental quality and sustainability objectives. Using an integrated approach, the EU-NGOs Project strengthens NGOs and CSO capacities to engage in constructive dialogue on environmental priorities and governance with all stakeholder groups. In particular, each grantee selects at least one important environmental priority at the national level and clearly identifies the specific Capacity Results Outcomes that the project will contribute to.
Key environmental challenges in Moldova - Low level of public awareness of good environmental governance - Challenges in approximation of national environmental legislation - Low institutional capacities to enforce the environmental legislation - Low capacities of CSOs to influence the development of national policies and legislation, and monitor their implementation - Low capacities of CSOs related to project proposal writing, project implementation (financial management, reporting on results) - Weak cooperation between relevant stakeholders (Parliament, Ministry of Environment, Local Public Authorities, CSOs) - Lack of adequate education programs for schools and universities on good environmental governance issues - Low capacities of CSOs to co-finance the projects
EU-NGOs projects in Moldova Total value of grants – USD 200,000, Co-financing – USD 37, (cash) and USD 16, (in-kind) Project titleGrant value (USD) Grantee Co- financing amount Cash Co- financing amount in kind Monitoring for better environmental governance41,065.5PA Miscarea Ecologista din Moldova 6,897.73,674.8 National Environmental Agenda: through communication towards better environmental governance 35,675PA Association of Journalists for Environment and Eco Tourism from RM 3,359.88, Strengthening Environmental Governance by Building the Capacity Of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 49,900PA EcoContact12, Consolidation between NGO and local public authorities and activation of civil society in the struggle for the protection of resources and the quality of potable water in Bugeac steppe 22,781.5PA INQUA-Moldova7,2000 MEGA Game: Strengthening Environmental Governance in Moldova through Innovative E-learning and Collaboration Platform for Environmental Action 8,758PA Moldovan Environmental Governance Academy 2,132.72, Building Stakeholder Capacity – Key Element for the Environmental Governance of the Lower Prut Region 41,820PA Centrul de Consultanta Ecologica Cahul 5,4501,980
EU-NGOs projects in Moldova National Environmental Agenda: through communication towards better environmental governance (NGO AJMTEM) Strengthening the cooperation between environmental journalists, state bodies and environmental authorities from the Republic of Moldova Seminars for CSOs and environmental journalists on monitoring the implementation of environmental policies and legislation; Development of Guide on environment protection for environmental journalists, in order to strengthen the monitoring of implementation of environmental legislation; Organization of a Contest in environmental journalism; Enhancing the level of reflection of environmental problems by mass-media in Moldova Elaboration of Curricula on environmental journalism for Faculty of Journalism and piloting of a course at the university; Organization of Press conferences on environmental issues for public awareness Co-financing: The launch of the Official Alert App., facilitating the journalists work and citizen’s access to information. Monitoring for a good environmental governance (NGO MEM) Strengthening the capacities of the NGOs in monitoring of legislation implementation and development of draft laws, according to EU directives, strategies and programs planned by the Ministry of Environment for 2015 Development of Guides on monitoring of policies and legislation which may impact the environment; Organization of Seminars for strengthening the capacity of CSOs in monitoring of national policies and legislation which may impact the environment; Development of a Video spot. Transferring of knowledge to other NGOs. Developing monitoring capacities of active regional NGOs projects working in environmental area Workshops and roundtables on environmental governance to strengthen the collaboration between CSOs and government. Radio presentations Enforcing the Environmental Governance by involving public in Environmental Impact Assessment process (NGO EcoContact) Strengthening capacities of NGOs for engagement in EIA process Capacity building seminars for CSOs on Environmental Impact Assessment and how the CSOs can monitor the EIA process; Development of Guide on public participation. Capacity Building of NGOs for participation in policy development Organization of Seminar for CSOs on environmental diplomacy and how to support public negotiation process; Seminar for CSOs on resources mobilization and business planning. Organization of Forum for Environmental NGOs, which was attended by donors from the region, representatives from the Ministry of Environment and more than 70 NGOs.
EU-NGOs project in Moldova Water quality information in Bugeac steppe (NGO INQUA-Moldova) MEGA Game (NGO MEGA) Building Stakeholder capacity – key element for the environmental governance of the Lower Prut region (NGO CCE Cahul) Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders to engage in the analysis of local policies and dialogue process related to the establishment of the Biosphere Reservation in the Lower Prut region. Organization of Workshops for relevant stakeholders to improve the communication and cooperation between local CSOs, local public administration and government in order to establish the Biosphere Reservation in Lower Prut Region; Signing of cooperation agreements between the stakeholders; Increasing awareness among stakeholders about the importance of establishing the Biosphere Reservation in Moldova Organization of Seminars for education of local population; Classes for youth on environment awareness; Development of a Guide with a set of good practices for the efficient management of the local resources; Elaboration of Brochures on Biosphere reservation. Strengthening capacities for engagement in information on quality of water. Capacities to generate, access, and use of information and knowledge. Water quality analysis was performed for 60 wells; Marking of 60 wells with information about the compliance of drinking water quality with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in four languages. People from the region were informed on the water quality and trained on good practices on how to improve the water quality in the region; A first Eco-Ethno center “Water and Health” opened; A brochure in 4 languages on water quality for the local population A Health tour Water and Health created. Strengthening Environmental Governance in Moldova through Innovative E-learning and Collaboration Platform for Environmental Action The first edition of the unique MEGA Impact Championship – a gamified initiative that is aimed to stimulate cooperation among NGOs around identifying and resolving social/environmental issues within a limited timeframe. A Water Map of Moldova developed and made public at with 8 serious water-related issues identifies by the project participants An improved and fully-functional gamified system for collaborative environmental education and real action MEGA Game: The game with Impact accessible at with 200+ users registered
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