Created by Kali Pierson, Jodi Stetser, Colleen Keating
Middle schoolers are always searching for the coolest newest things. Wither it’s something for a phone or to hang in their room, they want it. Want
Our product can range throughout many different items. We have posters, phone cases, hair products, nail products, accessories, clothing, stickers, and fake mustaches. Product
Features Moose- Mousse
Our phone cases cost about $8.99; our posters cost $6.56; hair products would range from $1.46 to $15.89; nail products cost about $0.89 to $5.74; accessories cost around $4-6; clothing $10-45; fake mustaches would cost about $1.23; stickers would cost $0.99. Our products would be found on our webpage (it would be called Moosetache's ), or at Wal-Mart, Target, or any Dollar Store. Price, And Where To Get It