“regional” null-points footwall short-cuts buttressing Inversion in mountain belts
“Regional” …the continuous level/orientation of a horizon through the region (away from the fault structure)
“Regional” for green horizon
For ideal contractional structures… all parts of the structure move to ABOVE their regional….. For ideal extensional structures…… all parts move to BELOW their regional.
Net contraction Null point Net extension
Footwall short-cut
Beware vertical exag
Inversion or fault-bend fold?
Why structural style matters for regional orogenic studies
Inheritance in the Apennines? Inversion in the Adriatic Argnani & Gamberi 1997
Ultra-reactivation model. Basement-involved, low displacements Eastern part of CROP-03 Ultra-reactivation model. Basement-involved, low displacements (8.5 km vs 22 km) Butler et al. 2004
Basement involved – but not simply fault reactivation (like Vercors) Scisciani et al. 2002 (J. Struct Geol)
pre-existing normal fault Thrust nucleates on pre-existing normal fault Richard Morgan Deep water Nigeria
More information? Geological Society (London) Spec Publs: Inversion Tectonics (44) Basin Inversion (88)