1 AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe SSG – Strategic Standards Group Europe PDT Days 2014 (14 -15 October – Paris) Background and use.


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Presentation transcript:

1 AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe SSG – Strategic Standards Group Europe PDT Days 2014 ( October – Paris) Background and use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defence industries Presented by Jean-Yves DELAUNAY: Airbus Coordinator of the ASD SSG “PLM Interoperability” WG Co-chair of the AIA – ASD Stan LOTAR project DRAFT

Slide 2 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 3 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October Summary of STEP AP242 edition „Quo vadis 214?“ STEP modularization workshop Recommendation to merge AP203 and AP214 DIS doc. submitted WP Workshop Proposal: AP242 with BO Model WP published Stakeholders to decide CD ballot started After > 18 months technical work + several workshops Project kickoff 18 m plan  12/2011 CD Ballot resolution workshop DIS ballot started AP242 ED1 published by ISO (target) 02 IS documentation sent to ISO 07 ?

Slide 4 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 AP242 edition1 Project organization In preparation

Slide 5 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP242: process coverage

Slide 6 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 7 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP242: information model coverage 2D draughting 3D shape Data Quality Production Rules PDM Part identification, Physical part Characteristics, Document Management General management information Activity and work management Effectivity Specification, Breakdown and configuration Process Planning Presentation 3D Composite design Requirements Mating definition 3D assembly constraints 3D kinematics 3D shape (explicit and parametric) 3D PMI (Product & Manufacturing Information) 3D Machining Form Features 3D exact explicit geometry 3D parametric & constr. History 3D tessellated explicit geometry

Slide 8 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP242 Business Object Model capabilities

Slide 9 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Illustration of STEP AP242 PDM Business Object Model

Slide 10 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October D exact geometry3D tessellated geometry 3D PMI (Product & Manufacturing Information) 3D GD&T 3D annotations3D symbols Overview of the CAD functionalities in STEP AP242 Assembly structure User defined attributes ParametricConstruction historyMachining form feature GraphicSemantic Graphic

Slide 11 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Example of the STEP AP242 Semantic PMI for geometric tolerance

Slide 12 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP242 3D Tessellated geometry key highlights Compact form: 10 times smaller than previous STEP Faceted_Brep, 50 times when compressed (with existing Rec. Practices) Structured (as a Brep) and non-structured tessellation Compatible with all functionalities referencing 3D geometry : PMI, UDA, Kinematics, Electrical, … Watertight and non-watertight Supports exact measurement on conical primitives, without the 3D exact Brep Reduces the size of “graphic” PMIs by 2+ (replaces PMI as “polylines”) Supports sectioning & PMI cross highlight Links to 3D exact BRep when present Validation Properties Simple data model  Easy to implement

Slide 13 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Overview of the main usages of composite in Aerospace and Defense industries Most of the composite structures are Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites: polymer matrix material that is reinforced with fibers. Two types of FRP are used: Monolithic structures composed on plies only (most of the aeronautic structures), Sandwich structures composed of two thin monolithic structures with a core material between (movable panels: spoilers, airbrakes...). BraidingLaminateSandwich Filament winding

Slide 14 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP203 ed2 Exact implicit representation of composites 3D Composite design in the STEP AP242 Edition 1 Approximate 3D tessellated explicit representation of composite plies (New) STEP AP 242 ED1

Slide 15 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Summary of the STEP AP242 DIS CAD Implementation status Assembly3D exact3D tessellated Graphic PMI Semantic PMI Composite Coretechnologie Dassault Systèmes Datakit Eurostep ITI PTC Siemens PLM TechSoft3D T-Systems Available Development In progress In Review Results based on the feedback of the 26 March 2014, AP242 conference in Paris and of recent updates.

Slide 16 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 17 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Status of STEP AP 242 Recommended Practices & associated activities of the Implementor Forums Regular review

Slide 18 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Status of development of CAx IF Rec. Practices for STEP AP 242 XML assembly structure Task of the CAx IF, supported by the LOTAR and JT IF projects Planning ‒ Initial draft (“90% version) distributed on June ‒ 2 nd version distributed on August ‒ Review phase going end of Sept ‒ Consolidation of the comments / new version until end of Oct. ‒ Distribution beg. of Nov ‒ 1 st Release Version (completed content, test feedback) planned for end of 2014 Maintenance ‒ To be part of the CAx IF, in relationship with setting up of the PDM IF

Slide 19 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Preparation of the PDM Implementer Forum Creation of 2 documents: 1 Executive summary 2 Introduction 3Terms and references 4Context of the start of the activity 5Requirements from Industry 6Benefits of and business drivers for an international PDM-IF 7Technical Principles of the PDM-IF and related motivations 8General scope through the main tasks, covered use cases and deliverables 9Project management 10 Summary - next actions Final draft distributed in Oct. 201

Slide 20 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 PDM Interoperability: use cases, information model, and associated implementation technologies

Slide 21 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 22 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 To join the industry efforts to speed up the availability of “operational” solutions by PLM vendors ‒ Based on COTS solutions (prototypes in some cases) To assess and present the level of functionalities of STEP AP 242 interfaces of COTS CAD-PDM applications, based on an agreed list of use cases and test cases ‒ Interoperability testing carried out by the “users community”, ‒ Complementary of the CAx Implementer Forum ‒ The AP 242 benchmark does not aim at developing STEP AP 242 recommended practices To communicate broadly the results of the tests, according to a fair and well defined procedure ‒ Involving the different involved manufacturing associations ‒ Taken into account feedbacks from the vendors Objectives of STEP AP 242 benchmark

Slide 23 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 A suite of AP 242 benchmarks to assess the level of implementation and enhancements of COTS solutions by CAD-PDM vendors The goal is not to run a single STEP AP 242 benchmark, but to run a suite STEP AP 242 benchmarks, Identification of enhancements of capabilities Proposal of new / more complex functionalities to be tested STEP AP 242 benchmark PreparationRun N°1Sept – Dec. 2014Jan – June 2015 N°2Sept – Dec. 2015Jan – June 2016 N°3etc Scope of the AP 242 benchmark N°1

Slide 24 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Proposed use cases to be tested by the AP 242 benchmark N°1 (according to resources available) DRAFT

Slide 25 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 26 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards, STEP AP 242 ED1 (modular ARM and MIM) is part of ‒ STEP AP 209 ED2 “Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Design ‒ and of AP 210 ED3 “Printed Circuit Board and Assembly » AP 242 ED1 includes the « requirement management functionality of STEP AP 233 and AP 239 AP 242 ED1 « BO model » is partially harmonised with PLCS PSM V1.2 Ongoing actions to finalize the PDM harmonization Preparation of STEP AP 239 ED3 whitepaper Planned worlshop mid of March before or after PDES offsite AP 238 ED2 (STEP NC ) is planned to be consitent with AP 242

Slide 27 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 The core suite of STEP standards for PLM interoperability Process & use cases Information Product Life Cycle AP 233 Systems Engineering AP 239 Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) AP 209 Multi-disciplinary Analysis & design AP 235 (N2) Engineering Properties for product design & verification Suite of AIA - ASD ILS Specs (SX000) Based on PLCS N1: STEP AP 242: Convergence of AP 203 and AP 214 N2: study not started Standards for Engineering processes and methods not described Concept SimulationDefinition Manufacture Support AP 210 (N2) Electronic assembly, interconnect & packaging design. Disposal AP 238 Integrated CNC Machining AP 242 (N1) Managed Model Based 3D Engineering

Slide 28 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 29 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 High level functionalities planned for STEP AP242 edition 2

Slide 30 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Overview of the planned “capabilities” of the AP242 ed2 extension for elec. Harness AP242 ed2 planned capabilities for physical electrical harness design: - Harness parts: connector, fixing, backshell, grommet, splice, wire, protection… - Connectivity: connection list, wire list - Topology and Geometry: segment, node, fixing place, protection location, routing… Wire numberFromToPin FromPin ToType/gage Connector AConnector B13Alu Connector AConnector C2ACu 12

Slide 31 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October D geometry information model & other generic resources specific construction history and parametric entities Support of 3D scan data Curved triangles Voxels Surface texture 3D PMI information model Support of enhancement of ISO & ASME Design standards XML implementation model for 3D PMI semantic representation 3D mechanical design information model new Manufacturing machining features and quality analysis design information for 3D additive manufacturing parts 3D composite design information model Additive manafacturing information PDM information Finalize PDM harmonization between AP242 ED2 and AP239 ED3 “Product Life Cycle Support” Illustration of the other extensions planned for the STEP AP242 ed2

PDES, Inc. Target Project Plan Overview 32 2/2 AP 242 Ed2 Virtual Kickoff - September 2, 2014 High Level Milestones New Work Item Approved July 18, 2015 Kickoff telconf: September Plenary workshop: September CD Ballot Begins June 2015 DIS Ballot Begins February 2016 IS Submitted to ISO for Publicat. Nov. 2016

Slide 33 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 34 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Aerospace & Defense Use cases of STEP AP242  Interoperability of CAD 3D PMI Model Based Design –Collaborative process for co design based on “full 3D” –Interoperability of 3D PMI semantic representation –Interoperability of 3D tessellated geometry with PMI graphic presentation (3D tessellated) –LT Archiving of 3D Design with PMI “graphic presentation” & “semantic representation”  Digital Mock up collaboration and integration : Assembly structure with 3D tessellated geometry and associated 3D annotations –Collaboration processes for DMU review and distribution –Exchange of 3D design in context in ISO neutral format with risk sharing partners or equipment suppliers –Clash and collision detection –3D DMU consultation –LT Archiving of 3D tessellated design context for certification of the definition dossier Configured product structure exchange

Slide 35 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Mechanical: CAD 3D exact geometry exchange with the Risk Sharing Partners, the equipment manufacturers with the Manufacturing suppliers (aerostructure parts or assemblies, tooling, …) Preparation of exchange of mechanical parts with machining form features for NC programming LT Archiving of CAD 3D definition dossier Composite Migration of Composite design (plies) from Application A to Application B Design process based on Composite 3D tessellated solid plies definition Preparation of LT Archiving of CAD 3D Composite design Aerospace & Defense Use cases of STEP AP242 Mechanical & composite design interoperability

Slide 36 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 ASD SSG recommendations ASD SSG & STEP AP242 Edition 1 Standardization project web page:

Slide 37 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 ASD SSG recommendations for the use of STEP AP242 Adoption Plan At short term, ASD recognizes AP242 as the targeted standard replacing AP203 and AP214. ASD will adopt AP242 through its direct participation to the ISO standardization process. The ASD SSG recommends the continuation of the CAx Implementer Forum for: qualification of AP 242 interfaces for CAD mechanical, CAD composite design, CAD Kinematics The development of the related AP 242 CAx Recommended Practices. The ASD SSG recommends the setting up of the PDM Implementer Forum for: qualification of AP 242 PDM interfaces of PLM vendors, The development of AP 242 PDM Recommended Practices. ASD recommendation The SSG will recommend the use of AP 242 in preference to AP 203 and AP 214 for exchange, sharing and LT archiving of Managed Model Based 3D Engineering. The SSG recommends supporting the development of the AP 242 edition 2 project (See other “component standard” for AP 242 edition 2, in preparation) Version: March 2014

Slide 38 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Table of content Context of STEP AP 242 ed1 standard Overview of AP 242 ed1 functionalities Associated recommended practices and Implementer Forums Preparation of STEP AP 242 ed1 benchmarks Interdependencies of AP 242 ed1 with other key standards Status of progress of the STEP AP 242 edition 2 project ASD SSG recommendations of use of STEP AP 242 Summary

Slide 39 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Summary of actions to prepare operational solutions for STEP AP 242 edition 1 standard STEP AP 242 E1 standard Business needs / use cases STEP AP 242 E1 Recommended Practices STEP AP 242 E1 Interop. Test Rounds (by vendors) STEP AP 242 E1 Interop. Test Rounds (led by Manufacturers) STEP AP 242 E1 Pilots Operational solutions for the industry) Implementer Forum Benchmark

Slide 40 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 STEP AP242 public web site

Slide 41 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014

Slide 42 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Back up slides

Slide 43 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Replicate feature (Rectangular, circular & general pattern) Transition feature (Chamfer, Fillet, Edge round) Compound feature Gear (Catalogue, Defined [ spur, Helical, Helical/ Straight bevel]) Marking feature Catalogue Defined marking boss (Circular, Rectangular, general boss) General removal volume Planar face Pocket (Rectangular closed/open pocket, General_pocket, Cutoutfeature, Recess) Profile featureProtrusionRib top Knurl Catalogue, Turned [Diagonal, Diamond, Straight] Rounded endslot (open/closed) step Hole (Round, Counterbore & Countersunk) STEP AP242 3D machining form features

Slide 44 Use of STEP AP 242 in the European Aerospace and Defense industries PDT Europe 14 – 15 October 2014 Relevant Documents/Specifications to be tested ‒ STEP AP 242 IS ‒ Related AP 242 Recommended Practices (newest releases) Relevant Software: ‒ Based on software (COTS) provided by vendors ‒ Choice of applications (Creo, NX, Catia V5/V6, Solid Works, AutoCAD, etc) and associated versions! ‒ Taken into account the level of maturity / testing of STEP AP 242 interfaces CAx IF, feedback of industries Benchmark Steering Group has to define which … ‒ CAD-Systems ‒ PDM Systems ‒ Translators ‒ Viewers ‒ STEP validation and verification tools Scope of the benchmark related to resources available of manufacturers associations Scope of STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1