expressed power civil liberties concurrent power amendsuffrage Establishment Establishment clause clausepetition due process jury reserved power self-incriminationtestimonybailindictmentwarrant Civil War Civil War Amendments Amendmentsarms lame duck poll tax repeal # of amendmentsslander civil case double jeopardy grand jury Free Exercise Clause censor eminent domain prohibitionlibel Amendments Vocabulary
libel 200 pts 200 pts Purposely printing false lies with the intent to ruin someone’s reputation scoreboard
prohibition 300 pts 300 pts The manufacturing, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages scoreboard
eniment domain 400 pts. 400 pts. The govt. paying a fair price for taking & using one’s personal property scoreboard
censor 300 pts. 300 pts. govt. banning obscene & indecent materials scoreboard
Free Exercise Clause 300 pts. People may practice their faiths as they wish scoreboard
grand jury 500 pts. 500 pts. citizens who review evidence against the person accused of the crime to determine whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial scoreboard
double jeopardy 400 pts. 400 pts. This term means that a person judged not guilty cannot be put on trial again for the same crime. scoreboard
civil case 300 pts. 300 pts. Cases in which two parties are suing one another usually wanting payment for damages scoreboard
slander 300 pts. 300 pts. spoken lies to intentionally damage a person’s reputation scoreboard
total # of amendments 100 pts. 100 pts. 27 scoreboard
repeal 200 pts. To cancel scoreboard
poll tax 300 pts. 300 pts. A fee that was required to pay in order to vote scoreboard
lame duck 200 pts. 200 pts. The old president who is no longer in office scoreboard
arms 100 pts. 100 pts. Guns or weapons scoreboard
Civil War Amendments 300 pts. 300 pts. 13 th 14 th 15 th scoreboard
warrant 200 pts. 200 pts. This is a court order allowing police to search a suspect’s home or business and take specific items as evidence. scoreboard
indictment 500 pts. 500 pts. a grand jury formally charging an accused person of committing a serious crime scoreboard
bail 200 pts. 200 pts. This is money used to get an accused person out of jail until the court date scoreboard
testimony 300 pts. 300 pts. A witnesses’ account or viewpoint of events that happened at a crime scene scoreboard
self-incrimination 300 pts. 300 pts. Testifying against oneself scoreboard
Reserved power 400 pts. 400 pts. Powers that are given only to the state scoreboard
jury 300 pts. 300 pts. Citizens who are chosen to make the decision in a trial scoreboard
due process 500 pts. 500 pts. Following the correct procedures/steps when finding someone guilty or not guilty when they have been accused of a crime scoreboard
petition 400 pts. 400 pts. A formal request or statement written by citizens that asks delegates to address the concerns of the community scoreboard
Establishment Clause 200 pts. 200 pts. Congress can not establish an official religion for the United States scoreboard
suffrage 300 pts. 300 pts. The right to vote scoreboard
amend 200 pts. 200 pts. To change scoreboard
concurrent power 300 pts. 300 pts. National govt. & state govt. sharing certain powers scoreboard
Civil liberties 400 pts. 400 pts. the freedoms we have to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment. scoreboard
Expressed power 400 pts. 400 pts. Powers only given to the national govt. scoreboard
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