DATA SUBMISSIONS The study has four data collection components A.Service level descriptive and related data ‒ Submissions A1-9 B.Clinician related time. ‒ Submissions B1-4 C.Additional patient and ED stay characteristics ‒ Submissions C1- 6 D.Costing data ‒ Submissions D1-4
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part A - Service information: Submissions A1-A5 A1 Service information: Characteristics of the emergency department/ service (e.g. annual volume, role delineation, location). A2 Treatment areas: A listing of treatment areas within the ED, characteristics and usual nursing staffing across shifts. A3 Medical teams: A listing of medical teams within the ED. A4 Medical team staff: A listing of medical staff types within the team and usual shift start and finish times. A5 Allied health staff: A listing of allied health staff types and usual shift start and finish times.
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part A - Service information: Submissions A6-A9 A6 Staff profile: Full time equivalent staff directly employed in the ED by type of staff for and A7 - Local disposition codes: A list of ED disposition codes recorded in local ED management systems with mapping to national and study values. A8 - Local presenting problem codes: A list of ED presenting problem (complaint) codes recorded in local ED management system (if these exist) with mapping to study values. A9 - Local procedures codes: A list of ED procedure codes recorded in local ED management system (if these exist) with mapping to study values. All A submissions are due 8 April 2016
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part B - Clinician related time: Submissions B1-5 B1 Staff in study: A de-identified list of clinical staff of the emergency department/ service employed during the data collection period of the study, including their discipline and the cost centre from which they are paid. B2 Staff time allocated to individual patients and/or procedures/activities: Clinical staff time allocated to individual patients and the associated procedure/activity. B3 Staff shifts: Days and shifts worked by staff of the emergency department/ service during data collection period for the study. B4 External consultations: Consultations provided by emergency department clinicians related to patients who are not currently patients of the emergency department. B5 Internal consultations: Consultations provided by non emergency department clinicians to emergency department patients. All B submissions due 12 August 2016
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part C - Additional patient and ED stay characteristics Submissions C1-3 C1 - Emergency department stay: All of the data elements of the Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS (METeOR identifier ) together with additional study-specific items. C2 - Diagnosis modifiers: Additional data elements related to diagnosis modifiers specified for collection during the study (Part B and C collection period). C3- Emergency department procedures/ activities: Additional data elements related to procedures/activities specified for collection during the study (Part B and C collection period).
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part C - Additional patient and ED stay characteristics Submissions C4-6 C4- Emergency department investigations: Additional data elements related to investigations specified for collection during the study (Part B and C collection period). C5- Patient treatment area: Additional data elements related to treatment areas in which a patient received care, including date/time of start and end of time in treatment area (Part B and C collection period). C6- The Admitted patient care NMDS : (METeOR identifier ) for emergency department/ service patients subsequently admitted to the hospital, including to short stay units*, during Modified to include data elements for admission and discharge date/time for any short stay unit. All C submissions due 12 August 2016
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part D - Costing data D1 & D2 D1 - Patient and product cost file data elements: Costs of emergency department patients, and admitted patient episodes for patients subsequently admitted to hospital. This file will be the output of a local costing application, structured to reflect the standard output for the National Hospital Cost Data Collection. D2 - Final cost centre file: Extract from costing system to reflect the direct cost centre costs for the emergency department cost centre and associated short stay units. This will be extracted from the local costing application and reflects the direct costs after allocation to final emergency care cost centres, and reflects any reclassification of costs that has been applied through the costing process.
DATA SUBMISSIONS Part D - Costing data D3 & D4 D3 - Service/ utilisation/ products file: This is the file within the costing the application that reflects the indicators of utilisation used in the costing process to allocate final cost centre costs to patient stays. D4 - RVU file: The file will include details of all RVUs used in the costing process for emergency care stays. All D submissions due 31 October 2016
DATA SUBMISSIONS More information on the submissions, timing, format and specific data elements can be found in the: Data request specification Downloadable from:
DATA TRANSFER OVERVIEW Jurisdiction EDW dropbox JurisdictionStudy site IHPA ABF NAS Server Consortium Study site transfers encrypted data file to jurisdiction Jurisdiction transfers encrypted data file to IHPA via EDW IHPA transfers encrypted data file to ABF NAS Server IHPA provides encrypted data file to Consortium
DATA TRANSFER Sites are required to comply with strict data transfer processes during the Emergency care costing study to ensure data security. The steps are as follows: Step 1: Preparation of the data Study sites will be able to produce an encrypted de identified data file using the Study site data management system developed by the Health Policy Analysis consortium. The Study site data management system is available via the study website: Step 2: From study sites to the jurisdiction Study sites must send the data file to their jurisdiction in accordance with the policies and controls of the site and the jurisdiction. Study sites must not send data directly to the field management team (FMT).
DATA TRANSFER Step 3: From the jurisdiction to IHPA The jurisdiction will transfer the data to IHPA via the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) dropbox. It is expected that data transfer from sites to the jurisdictional health authority, and subsequently from jurisdictions to the EDW, will be managed in accordance with the policies and controls of the site and the jurisdiction. Step 4: From IHPA to the Health Policy Analysis consortium Data collected through the EDW dropbox will be moved onto IHPA’s secure Activity Based Funding Network Access Storage (ABF NAS) server. IHPA will then provide the Health Policy Analysis consortium with the data. The consortium will access the data using encrypted IHPA-supplied laptops. Important: Data should never be sent directly between study sites and the FMT or other consortium members. The site data transfer process outlined above should always be followed, including when sites need to resolve a data query during data collection or data is re-submitted during quality assurance