Unit 2/3 ED 521 Dr. Rubel
Agenda Greetings Let’s Share Content Discussion Questions Assignment Schedule?
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Question 1 What is Authentic Assessment? Authentic Assessment is a means of enabling students to demonstrate their understanding of the content material as it relates to realistic, life experiences. The process is that the teacher will be decisions on what determines mastery. Then the curriculum can be constructed to enable students to perform these tasks, which are related to the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills. McDonald (1992) considers this backward planning.
What is authentic assessment? Task: Counting Students will count a group of colored blocks aloud, using one – to – one correspondence. Students will point as they count. Student will have to tell how many are in the group. Then, students will be asked to identify the written number that represents how many are in the group. Student will write the number. The students will then be asked to sequence the groups from most to least and explain why they placed each group where they did. Task: WWII – Debate: Students will work in pairs (pro/con) to either criticize or defend topics from World War II. Topics include the attack on Pearl Harbor, the dropping of the atom bombs, the concentration camps, and the Japanese- American internment camps. For this assignment, you will be expected to remove your personal feelings and opinions and take on the argument given to you. You and your partner will be graded according to the following rubric.
Question 2 How do you use rubrics to clarify expectations? Scroll down to the #7 Sea Life Park Music Project. What are the components of the rubric?
Question 3 What are Problem Based Assessments? The essential feature of a teaching system designed to emulate professional practice is that the crucial assessments should be performance-based, holistic, allowing plenty of scope for students to input their own decisions and solutions” (Biggs, 2003, p. 3)
How do we grade problem based assessments? Many enquiry and Problem-based Learning courses use Pass/Fail/Refer with a consequent greater emphasis on the feedback, particularly in the early stages of a course. Knight (2001) examines some of the problems with grading, not least if a norm-referenced approach is adopted. Biggs (2003) refers to the SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) taxonomy as a way of grading and as an alternative to Blooms’ hierarchy of educational objectives - knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. SOLO has five levels or stages which can be used to gauge students’ understanding of a topic: Pre structural, multistructural, relational and extended abstract (M Macdonald, 1999).
Question 4 What is a differentiated assessment ? What are some things you need to consider when differentiating instruction and assessment? Let’s look at what Carol Tomlison has to say. sing07/Singapore%20-%20Handout%20- %20Equalizer.pdf
Unit 4 Assignment This assignment is predicated on the knowledge of reading instruction Before, During, and After reading. You will write an essay: Paragraph 1 Introduction – Describe your course content, grade level and topic for which you are preparing this material Paragraph 2 – Explain what pre-reading strategies are and describe two such strategies, an example of how and why you would use each strategy in your content area, and describe how each strategy demonstrates both constructivism and balanced literacy.
Unit 4 Cont. Paragraph 3 - – Explain what during reading strategies are and describe two such strategies an example of how and why you would use each strategy in your content area, and describe how each strategy demonstrates both constructivism and balanced literacy. Paragraph 4 - – Explain what post reading strategies are and describe two such strategies an example of how and why you would use each strategy in your content area, and describe how each strategy demonstrates both constructivism and balanced literacy. References Planning: Use the graphic organizer to help organize your analysis.
Holiday Schedule Unit 2 Discussion Board Due Dec. 20 Unit 3 Discussion Board…self post …Due Dec. 20 Unit 3 Discussion Board Classmate response Due Jan 7 Unit 4 Discussion Board and Classmate response Due Jan 7 Unit 4 Assignment Due Jan. 7 I am flexible
Any Questions? Do you have any questions?
Happy Holidays and the Best of the New Year! See you in cyberspace! Dr. Rubel