THE SABBATH DAY What We Can Learn From the Old Testament.


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Presentation transcript:

THE SABBATH DAY What We Can Learn From the Old Testament

Does the Sabbath Still Exist Today? Gen 2:1-3 Gen 2:1-3 Some Believe the Sabbath Was Observed In the Patriarchal Period. Gen. 4:26 Gen. 4:26 – Men Began to Call on the Name of the Lord. Gen. 8:20; 12:7 Gen. 8:20; 12:7 – The Patriarchs Built Altars to the Lord and Offered Sacrifices. There Is No Mention of a 7 th Day Observance or a Day Called the Sabbath. The Word Sabbath Does Not Appear in Genesis.

Does the Sabbath Still Exist Today? Ex. 16:23-29 Ex. 16:23-29 The Sabbath Day Commanded In Relation to the Gathering of Manna. Ex. 20:8 Ex. 20:8 – Commanded Within the 10 Command Neh. 9:13-14; Deut. 5:2-3, 12 Neh. 9:13-14; Deut. 5:2-3, 12 – God Made the Sabbath Known to Israel at Mt. Sinai (Ezk. 20:10-12). Jer. 31:31-32 Jer. 31:31-32 – Under a New Covenant.

Does the Sabbath Still Exist Today? We Are Commanded to Worship on the 1 st Day of the Week. 1 Cor. 16:1-2 1 Cor. 16:1-2 Acts 20:7 Acts 20:7 Many Refer to Sunday as the Christian Sabbath, but the Bible Never Calls It That.

So What Does Gen. 2:1-3 Mean? Genesis Was Written By Moses in the Days of the Exodus. Moses Used What Is Called a Prolepsis. Prolepsis Prolepsis – The joining together of two distant events to make it appear as if they had happened at the same time. All Evidence Shows the Sabbath Was Only Commanded Under the Law of Moses.

What Can We Learn? The Word “Every” or “Each” Did Not Need to Be Used. Ex. 31:14-17 Ex. 31:14-17 Every Week Had a Seventh Day. Therefore, Every Week Had a Sabbath. How Does That Apply to Us? Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2

Rev. 1:10 “I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet,”

Rev. 1:10 When Was John in the Spirit? “On the Lord’s Day” Which Day Would Make the Most Logical Answer to Which Day That Was? SUNDAY SUNDAY Notice He Called It a Day!!!

What the Bible Says About the Sabbath The Sabbath is referred to as “holy” several times. Ex. 20:10 - It was a day of rest. No work was to be done. Ex 20:11 – The Sabbath was the 7 th day, it was blessed by God because He rested from creating the world. Ex. 31:14-15 – If one profaned the Sabbath they were to be put to death. It was a day of complete rest. Ex. 31:16-17 – It was to be celebrated by every generation of Israel. The Sabbath is a sign between Israel and God. Again it is connected to creation. Ex. 35:2-3 – No one was allowed to kindle a fire inside their home on the Sabbath. Remember the man who broke the Sabbath by picking up sticks (Num 15:32)

What the Bible Says About the Sabbath Lev 16:31 – The day of Atonement is described as a Sabbath where Israel was to humble their souls. Lev. 23:3 – The Sabbath is described as a holy convocation. They were to carry out the Sabbath in all their dwellings. There is a connection of the Sabbath with the holy feast days. Lev. 25 – The land was to have a Sabbath years rest from sowing and harvesting. Every seventh year was a the land’s Sabbath. Num. 28:9-10 – There were certain sacrifices that were to be offered every Sabbath day.

What the Bible Says About the Sabbath Deut. 5:15 – Now the Sabbath is connected with God delivering Israel from the hand of Egypt. Neh. 10:31-32 – As Israel renewed their commitment to God and His law, the agreed that they would not buy and sell with others on the Sabbath day. They would also give the land its Sabbaths. Neh. 13:15 – It did not take long for some in Israel to break this pledge. Nehemiah found some working and trading on the Sabbath. Others were buying from foreign traders. Therefore, Nehemiah rebuked them and ordered the doors to be closed on the Sabbath so that no traders cold enter into the city.