June 2 & 3, 2016
The Northeast Partnership The Turning Point Workforce Development Board Shared intermediary- Rob Boyce Educational Services COLLEGES IN CONSORTIUM Halifax Community College Edgecombe Community College Nash Community College Roanoke Chowan Community College
m Halifax County Schools Northampton County Schools Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools Weldon City Schools Halifax County Schools Superintendent and CTE Coordinator with HCC employees
1. Multiple entry and exit points 1. Opportunity for work-based learning 2. Comprehensive plan resulting in college and career readiness 3. Clear pathways 4. More closely aligned secondary school and community college innovations 5. Deepened ties between public schools, Halifax Community College and business/industries
The Halifax Community College School of Vocational and Industrial Technology hosted the Advanced Manufacturing/STEM Careers Awareness Day event. Halifax Community College received “A Taste of Industry” grant in the amount of $5,500 from the North Carolina Community Colleges System to absorb the costs of the event. Mr. Elton Wright, regional general manager of Lowe’s Distribution Center was the keynote speaker. More than 250 people attended the event including students from Halifax County Schools, Northampton County Schools, Weldon City Schools, Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools, and Roanoke Valley Early College Students had a chance to meet with business and industry representatives, participate in hands-on demonstrations, learn about educational opportunities, and plan their career pathways.
Together we will create a comprehensive, sustainable and replicable career pathway model.