Thematic Independent Studies Lecture 1 - Essay #2 RESE 1031 Thematic Independent Studies Lecture 1 - Essay #2
Roles and Responsibilities (1) Academic Advisors (AKA Supervisor) Your personal tutor for the year Providing guidance on the course giving advice on presentation of the essays; working to fine-tune the chosen theme advising on the development of the essays; reading and advising on coherence of sections of the essays making suggestions as to the focus of the essays.
Roles and Responsibilities (2) Academic Advisors (AKA Supervisor) … but it is not the academic advisor’s role to: read complete drafts of the essays Give indications of grades Give directives about the development of the essays Provide the essay topics or questions
Assessment Overview 4,000 Word essay 5,000 word essay worth 35% of the course grade 5,000 word essay Worth 50% of the course grade 1,000 word reflective report Worth 5% of the course grade Short viva/ interview Which influences the grading of one of the essays Worth 10% of the course grade
The 5,000 word essay Due *see course handbook* by 3 pm Critically analyses the topic or theme explored in essay one Takes the analysis to a deeper level May use other theory to say something academically unusual
The Reflective Commentary 1000 words Due *see course handbook* by 3 pm Self-reflection upon personal development, addressing the questions posed in the appendix of the TIS handbook
Selecting a TIS topic (2): Your essay must not be: comprised of primary data an area lacking secondary data a topic previously written submitted: coursework for MIS, Project Management, Business Strategy, International Business, etc.
Selecting TIS topic (Essay 2) Your essay could: Investigate a theory, Macroeconomics and UK Real Estate Relate two academic theories, TESCO: CRM and Porter’s Five Forces Question an assumption, or Does the digital divide really exist? Explore the development of a phenomenon Has eCommerce effected Arab Countries?
Themes of Essay #2 Looking for an ‘angle’ on the accepted wisdom Are their cultural differences sufficient to mean that a specific theory or model is flawed in some settings? eCommerce Challenges in Arab Countries Is a specific theory or model is based on assumptions that might be flawed
Themes of Essay #2 Looking for an ‘angle’ on the accepted wisdom (continued) Are theory or models are inappropriate to smaller organisations? The impact of Decision Support Systems (DSS) in Small Business Environments Whether a specific set of data should undermine confidence in a specific model or theory.
The Viva To demonstrate your mastery of the topic and the veracity of the submitted assessment (15-30 minutes) Due Either: Mid year in January OR End of year in April
Selecting TIS topic (Essay 2): Constrained by the areas identified by the departments Needs to be limited to only secondary data Must allow a critical examination of existing knowledge of a topic