Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration as well as Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 4 MAY 2016 CENTRE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE INNOVATION PRESENTATION OF THE 2016/17 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN & BUDGET (as per the approved 2015/2019 Strategic Plan) )1
OVERVIEW 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan as set in the Strategic Plan MTEF Allocations per Programme & Allocations per Economic Classification 2
2016/17 Annual Performance Plan & Budget 2015 – 2019 Strategic Plan was tabled in Parliament in March remains the same 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan also tabled in March 2015 is in line with the Strategic Plan To emphasize that the projects driven by the CPSI are largely multi year & ongoing 3
Mandate To entrench the culture and practice of innovation in the public service in support of the enhancement of service delivery Activities: Researching on service delivery challenges to ensure that the programme is appropriately targeted and addresses identified challenges (root causes) Unearthing already existing innovations for learning, replicating, encouraging innovation through rewarding Testing, piloting, experimenting, incubating new innovations (prototypes) 4
Performance in terms of the NDP & MTSF Outcomes In line with the National Development Plan’s vision of building a capable and developmental state, as well as the following outcomes of government’s Medium Term Strategic Framework CPSI Covered in 2015/16 and to continue in the 2016/17 Financial Year: – Outcome 1: Access to quality basic education – Outcome 2: Health Access – Outcome 3: Reduction of Crime – Outcome10: Environmental assets & natural resources protected – Outcome 11: SA’s support to SADC, Africa and South-South cohesion – Outcome 12: Effectiveness, efficiency, development oriented public service All addressing systems and procedures and processes in relevant sectors. CPSI partners with various sectors, including Health, Safety and Security and Education to deliver on MTSF targets. 5
Strategic Objectives for 2016/17 Programme 1 (Generic) 6 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1.1: EFFECTIVE INTERGATED PLANNING AND REPORTING Objective Statement Consolidate and monitor the implementation of the performance plans in line with the organisation’s strategic priorities and statutory reporting regulations STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1.2: EFFECTIVE CORPORATE EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT Objective Statement To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1.3:EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Objective Statement To provide effective financial supply-chain management by monitoring the organisation’s expenditure and ensuring compliance with statutory reporting requirements
2016/17 TARGETS PROGRAMME 1 10 Targets for 2016/17: Mainly Compliance with statutory reporting requirements on organisation performance as well as on financial and supply chain management Quarterly performance reports submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury Submit the organisation's Performance Plan and Annual Report for tabling in Parliament and submission to DPSA, DPME, the Auditor General and the National Treasury Identify, develop and implement at least two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies Quarterly financial reports submitted to the MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury 7
2016/17 TARGETS PROGRAMME 1 Submit the organisation’s medium term expenditure framework input to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the organisation’s Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the organisation’s Estimates of National Expenditure to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the Organisation's Financial Statement to the Auditor General, the DPSA and the National Treasury on 31 st May Submit the Organisational Procurement Plan and Consultancy Reduction Plan to the DPSA and the National Treasury Identify, develop and implement at least two Financial or Supply chain management policies or procedures 8
Strategic Objectives for 2016/17 Programme 2 9 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2.1: IDENTIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF CHALLENGES FOR TARGETED SOLUTIONS Objective Statement To investigate service delivery challenges to identify solutions for possible development, adaptation, piloting and/ or replication, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2.2: CASE STUDY DEVELOPMENT Objective Statement To develop case studies of selected service delivery innovations, for dissemination through the CPSI’s knowledge platforms and products STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2.3: PILOT, DEMONSTRATE AND FACILITATE THE REPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE MODELS AND SOLUTIONS Objective Statement To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery
Strategic Objectives for 2016/17 Programme 2 10 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2.4: INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMMES, PRODUCTS AND PLATFORMS Objective Statement To promote a culture of innovation in the public sector to enhance service delivery through sustaining and managing knowledge programmes, products and platforms STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2.5: CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS IMPROVED PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION, AICLUDING AFRICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA Objective Statement Participate in regional and international innovation programmes for learning, sharing and profiling of South African innovations to strengthen good governance initiatives
Organisation’s 2015/16 performance The CPSI has recorded s full achievement (100%) of 2015/16 targets as per the 2015/16 annual Performance Plan 11
Outcome 1: Quality Basic Education An innovative E-Learning solution discovered through the CPSI Awards Programme in Mpumalanga ensures that rural, less-resourced schools are connected to well resourced schools to get equal access to quality mathematics and science education lessons and teachers. Was replicated in Mpumalanga and North West and Phase 1 completed in the Eastern Cape The replication programme has attracted donor funding and we will thus continue to replicate this project in other provinces Impact: Increased passing rate in schools in science and technology and mathematics. Cumulatively 23,840 learners in 28 schools have benefited from this project. 12
Outcome 2: Health access We replicated the “Saving Blood, Saving Lives Innovation project” from Edendale Hospital which was also uncovered through the Innovation Awards Programme at Bertha Gxowa Hospital in Gauteng and we are, this year, replicating the same at Charlotte Maxeke hospital. We hosted a workshop with all Gauteng hospital CEOs and their clinical executives, exposing them to various health specific innovations that we have uncovered through the CPSI awards programme. An innovator (Dr Wise) from Edendale Hospital is being used by CPSI to assist other hospitals across the country to replicate this project. Impact: This projects has saved Edendale hospital over R6.12m per annum since its inception in This project is making more blood available for emergencies. WILL BE REPLICATING THE WORKSHOPS AROUND THE COUNTRY 13
Outcome 2: Health access Through the CPSI Awards Programme we found the Dietetics Project which focuses on vulnerable children to reduce malnutrition and the number of malnourished children admitted to health institutions in Limpopo. The CPSI facilitated the scaling up of the project from Mokopane Hospital to the whole Waterberg District in Limpopo. The National Department of Health has committed to donating equipment to this project as it is replicated across the Country. Impact: Proactivity as it lessens the number of children falling sick and needing to be admitted for malnutrition. 14
Outcome 2: Health access As requested by the Portfolio Committee the problem of queues in hospitals was investigated. From the findings: Queues are symptoms of underlying deeper back office problems to which some solutions were uncovered through the CPSI Awards Programme and shared with and implemented in hospitals. Where the electronic queue management systems were implemented it was found that in many instances they did not solve the problem. The referral system between clinics and hospitals was identified as the main outstanding problem of queues in hospitals. In partnership with the Innovation Hub, the CPSI is exploring a potential innovative solutions for the referral system. The challenge was hosted on the OpenIX Exchange web based platform encouraging entrepreneurs to submit ideas and solutions for piloting 15
Outcome 2: Health access The Tele-radiology project (uncovered through awards programme) was replicated to link Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa Hospitals to share radiologists). The project reduces the need for patients to travel between hospitals in search of specialists through the linking up of hospitals. Reduces the pressure on hospitals to transport critically ill patients to be ex-rayed Having secured donor funding for replication, we will be replicating around the Country the KZN’s Albert Luthuli Hospital Tele-radiology project The first phase of the Energy efficiency technologies project at Helen Joseph Hospital to reduce the hospital’s energy consumption was completed. The second phase has resumed Impact: The current savings through this project amounts to R per month. It is projected that this project will reduce the energy consumption with at least 25%. This is being done through seed funding from Tirelo Bosha Donor Funding. 16
Outcome 3: Reduction of Crime The pilot of a household crime reduction alarm system – completed successfully. Premier of Gauteng committed to its roll-out in the State of the Province address. The project was presented to the Civilian Secretariat of the Police and the Provincial Heads of Community Safety. The Civilian Secretariat of the Police is facilitating the roll out of the solution. We will be presenting to MinMec on a date to be identified Impact: Police response time reduced from 48 hours to less than 10 minutes. The crime reduction in piloted areas reduced by 9% 17
Other achievements The Annual Innovation Conference was hosted in August 2015 which had a Ministerial Round Table attended by Ministers Pandor and Gigaba and a panel of experts (DGs, SALGA & private sector). Five innovative case studies were presented and shared with government departments for possible collaborations, replication and scaling up. The Ministerial Annual Innovation Awards Programme culminated in the awarding of 20 projects some of which are going to be replicated (value of awards programme). The awards programme is a critical platform for the entrenchment of innovation in the public sector and for replication purposes (UN included as critical for achievement of SDGs and AU for Agenda 2063) 18
Other achievements cont’ Volume 6, Issues 1 & 2 of Ideas that Work (journal) were published and disseminated across the Country (departments, parliament, academic institutions). - In our engagements with the AG, they have commended the product for its relevance and quality. The academic partners have also expressed gratitude for a product that informs their programmes that relate to the public service – WILL CONTINUE We continued to host workshops on innovation on request, specifically for Home Affairs, Correctional Services, Health and we will continue We hosted 330 officials in the Multi-Media Innovation Centre and exposed them to relevant content and we will continue to host this year 19
Other achievements cont’ On behalf of SA continued and will continue to serve as the Online Regional Centre for the United Nation’s Public Administration Network by coordinating and loading content to strengthen public administration and use of innovation in SADC countries (among others) 20
2016/17 TARGETS PROGRAMME 2 18 targets for 2016/17 At least three service delivery challenges investigated and possible solutions identified At least one challenge with no available solution posted on the OpenIX Exchange to initiate a development process Develop at least 5 case studies related to service delivery innovations developed for dissemination Complete the pilot initiated in 2015/16 to address service delivery challenges At least one new pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges Continuation of the pilot initiated in 2015/6 to address service delivery challenges 21
2016/17 TARGETS PROGRAMME 2 At least 50 public sector officials and other partners should visit the MMIC Upgrading of equipment of MMIC and updating content as determined by assessment of 2015/16 Two CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects facilitated for replication At least four projects per category identified and recognised in a formal awards ceremony Host the Annual Public Sector Innovation Conference to share at least five innovative best practices and a panel of experts’ discussion held. Publish Vol 7 Issue 1 and 2 of “Ideas that Work” : The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal with at least 5 case studies and copies disseminate to the public sector, academia and stakeholders 22
2016/17 TARGETS PROGRAMME 2 Two workshops on Leading Innovation in the Public Service to build capacity in the public service held and attended by public officials Upload 1200 content items on innovation, public administration and finance onto the UNPAN Portal Host a UNPAN SADC regional workshop attended by representatives from SADC countries Conduct two SADC country visits to create awareness on UNPAN Enter at least eight South African public service innovation projects into International Awards Programmes Participate in at least two regional and international programmes for learning, sharing and profiling of South African innovations to strengthen good governance initiative 23
MTEF Allocations per Programme Programmes Medium-term expenditure estimate Rand thousand 2016/172017/182018/19 Administration Public Sector Innovation Total for Programmes
MTEF Allocations per Economic Classification Medium-term expenditure estimate Rand thousand 2016/172017/182018/19 Economic classification Compensation of employees Goods and services Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets69 73 Total economic classification