Pros & Cons Env. Effects General Oil Coal Stages
General Rules Work as a team need to discuss before answering. Incorrect answers = loss of points If incorrect, move to next group. Excessive talking/joking/calling out= loss of points or disqualification. Be respectful. End with Final Jeopardy! Winning group gets homework late passes Actual passes must be turned in to me on the day of the homework. You’ll get an extra day to turn it in without penalty.
Coal Stages: 10 Points List the stages in order of formation. PEAT LIGNITE BITUMINOUS ANTHRACITE
Coal Stages- 20 Points Two parts: 1.Largest amount of pollution 2.Most Carbon 1.Peat 2.Anthracite (least smoke)
Coal Stages- 30 Points Two Parts: 1.Majority of Coal in PA 2.Used to create steel BITUMINOUS for both
Coal Stages- 40 Points Used only in power plants near mines LIGNITE
Coal Stages- 50 Points Not used for electricity in modern society PEAT
Oil- 10 Points What is the term for the type of rock that is non- porous and does not allow oil to move through it? TRAP OR CAP ROCK
Oil- 20 Points List the 3 sources of oil. TAR SANDS OIL SHALE CRUDE OIL DEPOSITS
Oil- 40 Points List 3 products of oil. Gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, plastics
Oil- 50 Points What has to be done to tar sands & oil shale to make petroleum? Heated up to turn from solid to liquid
General- 10 Points Which fuel source releases the most CO2? Coal
General- 20 Points Which fuel source provides most of the electricity in PA? Coal
General- 30 Points Which fuel source does not use a fossil fuel? NUCLEAR
General- 40 Points Which energy source(s) use steam to spin turbines & generators? All (coal, oil, nat. gas, nuclear)
General- 50 Points Which non-renewable energy source does not originate from the sun? NUCLEAR
Environmental Effect- 10 Points What color does a body of water affected by acid mine drainage turn? ORANGE
Environmental Effect- 20 Points Which energy source has highly radioactive waste? NUCLEAR
Environmental Effect- 30 Points List 3 environmental problems from coal.. Acid rain, deforestation, acid mine drainage= heavy metals, smog/soot= lung diseases, global warming
Environmental Effect- 40 Points List 3 environmental concerns with fracking. Methane release= global warming, explosions, contaminate drinking water, earthquakes
Environmental Effect- 50 Points Explain why we switched to fracking 20 years ago. Used up all the easy to access deposits now we can access new gas or oil that we couldn’t before (trapped in rock)
Natural Gas- 10 Points What is the name of the rock formation in PA where we can get natural gas? Marcellus Shale
Natural Gas- 20 Points Describe two places where natural gas is found on Earth (not countries). Pockets right above oil or trapped in shale.
Natural Gas- 30 Points What is the name of the gas that is natural gas? METHANE
Natural Gas- 40 Points What are two ways that we deal with the leftover fracking fluid? 1.Send to waste water plants that accept it 2.Pump back into well 3.Reuse
Natural Gas- 50 Points How is a natural gas plant different from coal or oil plants? Uses two turbines- one spun by gas and one from steam
Final Jeopardy! ** Place your bets! Question: What is the name of the product/rock found in tar sands that turns into petroleum when heated? BITUMEN