How Our Body Works The body is organized into systems that work together and depend on each other. The nervous system: ▫Includes the brain and sense organs ▫Gathers and responds to information about the environment. ▫Directs many body functions such as movement
How the Body Works Digestive System: ▫Includes mouth and stomach ▫Takes food and breaks it down into smaller molecules that can be used by cells The Circulatory System: ▫Includes the heart and blood ▫Delivers the molecules in the body to the cells that need them.
How the Body Works Respiratory System: ▫Includes the lungs ▫Cells need oxygen to perform cellular respiration ▫Takes in oxygen from the air and passes it to the circulatory system. The circulatory system transports the oxygen to cells. Both circulatory and respiratory system get rid of materials the body doesn’t need. ▫Circulatory system carries carbon dioxide and wastes away from cells ▫Respiratory system releases carbon dioxide and water vapor to the air
Food and Health The food you eat contains a variety of nutrients. Starches: ▫Potatoes, pasta, and bread ▫Help with energy for the body Proteins: ▫Meats, fish, cheese, beans, dairy products ▫Helps for building materials in the body
Food and Health Vitamins and Minerals ▫Help body function properly ▫Found in fruits and vegetables Lipids ▫Can provide energy and help with growth ▫Includes fats and oils ▫Foods fried in oil or butter contain large amounts of lipids
Food and Health Eating a diet that has a good variety of nutrients will give the body the energy it needs If a person eats more nutrients than needed it could cause them to become overweight. This could cause damage to the heart and other health problems.
How to Stay Healthy Fruits and vegetables should make up most of a person’s diet. Regular exercise is important. It keeps the heart and muscles strong. Exercise uses energy from the food you eat, which can help maintain a healthy weight
Tobacco and Your Health Tobacco products are toxic and cause harm to the body. When people smoke cigarettes they intake carbon monoxide. When this enters the body it interferes with the ability for blood to carry oxygen to the body.
Tobacco Tar from cigarette smoke affects the lining of the respiratory system making it harder to get rid of waste from the body. Tar and tobacco contain substances that cause cancer to the lungs, mouth, throat, and stomach.
Tobacco and Health Smoking causes emphysema which reduces the ability for the lungs to absorb oxygen. Using tobacco causes the body to absorb nicotine. People become addicted to nicotine which makes it difficult to quit smoking. Secondhand smoke also causes health problems especially in children. Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have asthma and respiratory infections.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Health A drug is a substance that causes change in a person’s body or behavior. Some drugs are useful substances when used correctly. The use of a drug in an unhelpful way is called drug abuse
Alcohol, Drugs and Health Drugs affect the body in many ways. Many drugs affect the nervous system: loss of appetite or nervousness. Long term affects of drug abuse are brain damage, memory loss, heart and liver damage.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Health Alcohol is considered a drug because it is often abused. Alcohol affects judgment and causes people to react slowly. Accidents are increased when people drink and drive. Alcohol is involved in almost 1/3 of deaths caused by car accidents.