Your Presenters
What we’re asking of you Statewide stakeholder review process taking place in all regions We want your feedback on all aspects of the model, but we will be focusing on specific practices social workers will use in their work We want to know: – Do these practices resonate with you? – Is anything missing?
Practice Model Background California counties have tried many promising practices to improve outcomes for children and families We noticed that many of the new practices had common elements Some recent efforts have even tried to combine different initiatives into more comprehensive practice models We wanted to work together to build on that
Towards a Statewide Practice Model The County Welfare Directors Association (CWDA) Children’s Committee has been working to develop a statewide practice model Monthly meetings Statewide Workshops Goal: – To define California’s Child Welfare Services as a profession grounded in theory, with a set of core values, common elements and identified behaviors
Guiding Vision – California’s 58 counties embrace one practice model that guides their individual Child Welfare Services programs by integrating successful practices into a framework that supports the achievement of safety, permanency and well-being for children and their families in the Child Welfare Services system.
Stakeholder Engagement The California model is built on work done with stakeholders who helped develop CAPP and other practices – Youth, Parents, Caregivers, Tribes, Communities Now we are reaching out across the state to hear from you
Let’s take a closer look at the model.
Practice Model Elements Theoretical framework Values and principles Casework components Practice elements Practice behaviors
Theoretical Framework Our theoretical framework is an organized set of explanatory principles that help us understand: – What leads to the problem of child maltreatment? – How can we work to prevent child maltreatment from starting or stop it once it has started?
Theoretical Framework
Values Our values provide an expression of an ideal or optimal state of being. They explain what we are striving for in our work with families.
Evidence- Informed Organizational Support Permanency Safety Growth and Change Cultural Responsiveness Partnership Professional Competency Well- Being Respectful Engagement This is What We Believe Our Values
Casework Components: This is What We Do
Practice Elements: This is How We Do It Engagement Inquiry / Exploration Advocacy Teaming Accountability Workforce Development and Support
Practice Behaviors Define practice elements so agency and community partners know what to expect and can build coordinated services and supports. Support evaluation of model fidelity and outcomes. Provide a framework for practice.
Practice Behaviors Provide direction to practitioners about how they will practice social work using the practice model.
Our Goal Refine our draft practice behaviors to ensure they – Are clear and recognizable – Are flexible enough to allow for differences in procedures, tools, and supports – Workable with existing practice already in use – Informed by our key stakeholders, who know what good practice looks like.
So, let’s look at the draft practice behaviors
We want your feedback on all aspects of the model, but we will be focusing on specific practices social workers will use in their work We want to know: Do these practices resonate with you? Is anything missing? Share Your Ideas