Medical Abbreviations D
1. d 1. d day day 2. DA 2. DA Dental Assistant Dental Assistant 3. DAT 3. DAT Diet as tolerated Diet as tolerated 4. DC 4. DC Doctor of Chiropractic Doctor of Chiropractic 5. D/C, disc, dc 5. D/C, disc, dc discontinue, discharge discontinue, discharge
6. D&C 6. D&C Dilation and curettage Dilation and curettage 7. DDS 7. DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery Doctor of Dental Surgery 8. DEA 8. DEA Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Enforcement Agency 9. del 9. del delivery delivery 10. Dept 10. Dept department department
11. DH 11. DH Dental Hygienist Dental Hygienist 12. DHHS 12. DHHS Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services 13. Diff 13. Diff Differential white blood cell count Differential white blood cell count 14. dil 14. dil dilute dilute 15. DDM 15. DDM Doctor of Dental Medicine Doctor of Dental Medicine
16. DMS 16. DMS diagnostic medical sonography diagnostic medical sonography 17. DNR 17. DNR Do not resuscitate Do not resuscitate 18. DO 18. DO Doctor of Osteopathy Doctor of Osteopathy 19. DOA 19. DOA Dead on arrival Dead on arrival 20. DOB 20. DOB Date of birth Date of birth
21. DON 21. DON Director of Nursing Director of Nursing 22. DPM 22. DPM Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Doctor of Podiatric Medicine 23. DPT 23. DPT Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus Diptheria, pertussis, tetanus 24. Dr 24. Dr doctor doctor 25. dr 25. dr Drain, drainage Drain, drainage
26. DRG 26. DRG Diagnostic related group Diagnostic related group 27. drg, drsg 27. drg, drsg dressing dressing 28. D/S 28. D/S Dextrose in saline Dextrose in saline 29. DSD 29. DSD Dry sterile dressing Dry sterile dressing 30. DT 30. DT Delirium tremors Delirium tremors
31. DVM 31. DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 32. DW 32. DW Distilled water Distilled water 33. D/ W 33. D/ W Dextrose in water Dextrose in water 34. Dx, dx 34. Dx, dx diagnosis diagnosis