GroupPaleo (means very old) Time PeriodBefore 8000 BC Migratory Patterns Nomadic hunters and gatherers – followed large game; traded with other areas Housing Temporary dwellings – made out of animal skins Social StructureGroups of 25 – 50 people Tools & Weapons Atlatl, stone, wooden spears, knives, scrapers Food Mammoths, bison, ground sloths, mastodons (large game) Cultural Aspects
GroupEarly Archaic Time Period8000 BC – 5000 BC Migratory Patterns Moved each season to find food (seasonal hunters) HousingTemporary dwellings Social StructureCamps of several small groups Tools & Weapons Choppers, drills, chipping tools, tools made of antlers and stone Food Large and small game, reptiles, game birds and fish, nuts and berries Cultural Aspects
GroupMiddle Archaic Time Period5000 BC BC Migratory PatternsDid not move as often Housing Social StructureCamps of several small groups Tools & Weapons Hooks made of animal bones, long weighted spears, nets for fishing FoodShellfish- mussels and clams Cultural Aspects
GroupLate Archaic Time Period 4000 BC – 1000 BC Migratory Patterns Villages were more permanent than any group before them Housing Social Structure Settled groups Tools & Weapons Grooved axe, grinding stone, pipes, bone pins, needles, bone hooks, spear points Food Planted seed, plants- horticulture began, shellfish Cultural Aspects Burial grounds, fire hearths, pipes, axes, shell beads, bone pins and needles, bone hooks, spear points and pottery
GroupWoodland Time Period1000 BC – AD 1000 Migratory PatternsSettled in villages HousingDome- shaped huts with roofs Social StructureTribes (several hundred families) Tools & Weapons Bow and arrow, points of stone, shark teeth or deer antlers Food Fish, small game, nuts and berries, squash, wild greens, sunflowers, corn (agriculture) Cultural AspectsFiber mates, longer lasting pottery, elaborate religious ceremonies, cone-shaped burial mounds, jewelry, copper or bone combs, believed in life after death
GroupMississippian Time PeriodAD 700 – 1600 Migratory PatternsSettled in villages HousingLived in villages Social Structure Chiefdoms (hierarchical society – with chief holding most of the power); Farming villages (several thousand families); headed by priest-chief Tools & WeaponsStone or bone hoes, digging sticks Food Farming- corn, beans, pumpkins, and squash; grew tobacco Cultural AspectsFlat-topped burial mounds, crop rotation, more elaborate clothes, wore beads and ear ornaments, painted and tattooed their body, wore feather head dresses, religious centers