23/06/ Working together to support the education of Birmingham’s Looked After Children Birmingham Virtual School for Looked After Children & LACES
23/06/ Who are we? Virtual school for LAC and LACES is part of the Directorate for People and part of Children with Complex needs (Education) We are a team of –advisers (former teachers), –learning mentors and –support staff (PSS and IMT), We monitor / support all Birmingham school age LAC – both those placed in and out of authority Through multi-agency working We aim to ensure that all LAC have a chance to fulfil their educational potential.
Virtual School Virtual School for LAC and LACES Head of Virtual School is Vaughan Clark Children and Families Bill 2013 requires every LA to have a Virtual head. Virtual School Head (VSH) can have a positive impact on the educational progress of LAC / pdf/l/looked%20after%20and%20learning%20evalu ation%20- %20virtual%20school%20head%20pilot.pdf 3
4 Summary of Virtual School remit To oversee the education of children in care in the authority, and those children in the local authority’s care who are placed out of the authority, as if they were in a single school. Targeted group of Looked After Children (LAC) spans the 0-25yr age range.
5 Virtual School ‘in authority’ Teams
6 Virtual School ‘out of authority’ Team New team as of April They will work with Birmingham YP placed ‘out of authority’. VS Education TM VS Education AdvisorVS Education Mentor VS Education AdvisorVS Education Mentor VS Education AdvisorVS Education Mentor VS Education AdvisorVS Education Mentor
23/06/ There are two distinct functions to LACES: 1. Outreach support Providing support to children’s homes, foster carers, schools and SWs via the Outreach Team. 2. Monitoring Monitoring the LAC population – attendance and achievement. Auditing PEPs Administer PP.
8 Some key activities of the Teams: 1:1 support for individual LAC Termly meetings with Designated Teachers (DT’s) in schools/settings to monitor progress Training for DT’s, Social Workers, Carers etc, Bitesize training Dedicated educational support for LAC in residential care. Assisting with finding a place for a YP with NSP / NEET.
23/06/ What do we do? Support Minimise disruption to learning Interim teaching Re-integration Enrichment activities Study support Monitor the LAC population – achievement and attendance Monitor / audit PEPs Administer Pupil Premium Transition between key stages, schools, statutory schooling and further education / training / work.
10 Birmingham Virtual School numbers The Virtual School (approx figures): 380 pre-school 70 Reception 440 Primary 640 Secondary 240 Post-16 Around 1,250 are in educational provision in Birmingham and about 550 in other Local Authorities. More than 600 ‘partner schools’ - educational settings including mainstream & special schools, FE colleges and alternative provision.
11 Birmingham LAC in other LA’s
23/06/ Contact details Referrals General enquiries