NUS Delegate Elections
1. Our National Conference should represent the diversity of our movement as it's our highest sovereign decision making body - at the moment Black students are under- represented 2. The issues most affecting Black students, fees, debt, racism & international issues can sometimes be ignored or not listened to - more Black delegates could challenge this. Last year we had to fight for anti-racism to be on the agenda, a couple years before that we wanted opposition to the war in Afghanistan to be recognised but that was voted down 3. Black students should play leadership roles in our national movement as there is no reason why we only have had 2 national Black Presidents and have seen at times unrepresentative Full-time officers elected Why the need for liberation representation at conference?
What is National Conference? NUS are the National Union of Students of which over 600 students’ unions across the UK are affiliated members. NUS National Conference 2014 (8-10 April) is the sovereign policy making body of the organisation. University of Nottingham Students’ Union send an elected group of students (10) to represent the 34,000 students here. National Conference also elects delegates to the NUS Trustee Board and the Democratic Procedures Committee. It is also where the budget for the year ahead is decided through the AGM.
What happens at National Conference? The conference discusses 5 zones (topics) related to students’ experiences at colleges and universities and sets policy for the year ahead: Further Education policy, Higher Education policy, Society and Citizenship policy, Welfare policy, and Union Development policy. You also vote for President, Vice President and Block of 15 representatives on the National Executive Council. It is the chance for students’ unions to shape national policy and hold to account the national officers heading up each of these policy zones and the national president. Elections for these positions also happen at the conference which you would be a voting member.
Key Dates Nominations for this year's NUS Delegate Elections are now open. Nominations close- 12pm on Thursday 12th December. Voting open- 9am on Wednesday 5th February Voting close- 5pm on Wednesday 12th February. When? Tuesday 8th April to Thursday 10th April Where? Liverpool You need to be avalaible on these dates.