UCA Professional Recognition Scheme: Associate Fellow (AFHEA)
What is professional recognition? How might this benefit me in my technical role? UK Professional Standard for teaching/supporting learning in higher education. Peer Supported Review and other reflective tools Next steps…. Session outline:
What is professional recognition?
UK Professional Standard (UKPSF) Areas of activity (WHAT) A1 Design and plan A2 Teach/support A3 Assess/give feedback A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support/guidance A5 Engage in CPD incorporating research, scholarship and evaluation of professional practices Core Knowledge (HOW) K1 Subject material K2 Appropriate methods of teaching and learning K3 How students learn K4 Use and value appropriate learning technologies K5 Methods of evaluating effectiveness of teaching K6 Quality assurance and quality enhancement Professional Values (WHY) V1 Respect individual learners and learning communities V2 Promote participation and equality of opportunities V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and CPD V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which HE operates recognising implications for professional practIce
Benefits of attaining AFHEA status Opportunity to reflect upon and benchmark your practice against the UK Professional Standards Framework Gain professional recognition for your work in teaching/supporting student learning Provides a valuable measure of success and increasingly valued by international institutions. Vital indicator that your institution is fully aligned to UKPSF practice and a badge of assured quality throughout your organisation. Entitlement to use post nominal letters (AFHEA)
“This is all very well, but I don’t know anything about teaching and learning….” Emphasis on appropriate and relevant Clear evidence of a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and supporting learning. ‘Expresso’ session on teaching and learning theory offered as part of Unit 7003
Portfolio requirements 2 Reflective narratives (A1-A5) words in each Introduction and Conclusion (600 words) Supplementary evidence (including 2 P-SR’s) Mapping of Portfolio Contents SWOT analysis
Reflective narratives Make it personal Make it individual Make it reflective Make it scholarly Make it evidence-based Make it aligned Make it current and sufficient
Writing reflectively What I did Impact it had Why I did it
Supplementary Evidence Peer Supported Reviews x 2 (compulsory) And any of the following: PDRs Student Feedback Technical team days discusssions/corridor conversations about supporting teaching/learning Contributions to course delivery
UCA Peer-Supported Review
Next steps (between now and June) Brainstorm current evidence using UKPSF diagnostic. Sign up for Unit 7003 (UCA Prof Recog Scheme) Undertake 2 Peer Supported Reviews (as reviewer and reviewee) around the 2 Areas of Activity. Generate ideas for your portfolios by attending some short short taster sessions on learning and teaching and/or perusing some of the resources available on the new Learning and Teaching wordpress site.
Useful sources UCA Learning and Teaching wordpress: HEA web pages: accreditation/uk-professional-standards- framework-ukpsf Annamarie McKie