Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges The Learner Group and Implications for Practice
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Welcome Insert name of presenter and role
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Aims defining the learner group and moving beyond labels exploring the historical context exploring the implications for practice overcoming barriers: learning and teaching strategies sharing practice and signposting further resources
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Activity One In pairs/groups discuss the conditions listed on cards and decide whether individuals with these conditions would fit the profile of having profound and complex needs.
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Defining the Learner Group SCQF level 5 - National 5 SCQF level 4 - National 4 SCQF level 3 - National 3 SCQF level 2 - National 2 SCQF level 1 - National 1
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Possible Characteristics of the Learner Group: Profound and Complex significant delay in reaching developmental milestones operating at an early developmental level significant additional impairments not a homogeneous group- incorporates a high % of rare syndromes although 20-30% cerebral palsy behavioural state behavioural rate communication challenges
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand “There is hell on earth.’’ by Burton Blatt and Fred Kaplan (photographer) (Photographs taken December, 1965 in “five state institutions for the mentally retarded” in the US.) Christmas In Purgatory (1965) A Photographic Essay On Mental Retardation From this….. A Brief History of Attitudes and Knowledge of Adults with Profound and Complex Needs
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand To this… A Brief History of Attitudes and Knowledge of Adults with Profound and Complex Needs White Top Centre, Dundee Upper Springland Residential Centre
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand A Brief History of Attitudes and Knowledge of Adults with Profound and Complex Needs Number of “congenital idiots and imbeciles in asylums and madhouses” in Scotland = 2603
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Policy and legislation which has brought about change 1960 – Mental Health Act (Scotland) 1968 – Move from Health to Education 1970 – Education (Handicapped Children) Act 1974 – Stanley Segal “No child is ineducable” published. Warnock Committee on children and young people with special educational needs 1981 – Education Act (qualified presumption of a mainstream place) 2001 – Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2010 – Equalities legislation
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Raising our Sights: Services for Adults with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities Published. Tizard Centre, University of Kent. ‘Since people with learning disabilities have difficulty learning FE is potentially a very important opportunity for people to continue to grow and develop’. ‘People with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities may have been particularly affected by a shift in priorities towards award bearing courses and by a view that some provision is just day care rather than education’.
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Challenges We Face
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Meeting Challenges - Activity Two Think, Pair and Share Consider the challenges under these headings: feelings knowledge skills
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Training Material Produced for the Project by St Andrews and Dundee University
Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) is part of the Scotland’s Colleges brand Some Teaching Ideas
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Teaching Purposeful Paced correctly Plan for transfer to other contexts Partnership working
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Involving Routines Repetition Range of approaches Real life situations
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Using ICT Interactive approaches Information on learner needs and abilities Inclusive methods – visual prompts, simple language
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Curriculum for Excellence Design Principles challenge and enjoyment breadth progression depth personalisation and choice coherence relevance
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges What next? What might you do tomorrow? What will you do in the future?
Scotland’s Colleges is a trading name of both the Scottish Further Education Unit and the Association of Scotland’s Colleges Thank you and evaluation defining the learner group and moving beyond labels exploring the historical context exploring the implications for practice overcoming barriers: learning and teaching strategies sharing practice and signposting further resources