Deep Touch Pressure Abdomen Belt Group 32 Kevin Rathbun & Luke Fleming & Chang-O Pyo ECE 445 Senior Design April 28, 2015
Introduction Automated, remote controlled belt with air pump For autistic children, simulates a squeeze Helps teachers control students Improves focus and reduces anxiety in autistic children
Features Remote control with settings for both pressure and time Air pump on timed schedule Pump to different levels depending on the child Low-cost, easy to use ~5 inch wide flexible belt made of neoprene
The Belt Velcro Air tube for pumping
Old Block Diagram Excluded Valve control Nonspecific power supply design Removed LED indicator / Added 7-segment display
Block Diagram Pump/ Valve
The Remote PCB 3V to 5V Converter Transmitter and Antenna 7-Segment Display Headers
The Remote Module Features Includes 7-segment display for pressure strength (0-3) and timed pump (0-9) 4 switches for choosing pressure, time, deflate, and send signal Transmitter and antenna sending data at 418 +/- 3 MHz
Remote Module Power Supply 3V battery power supply Boosted to 5V using 3 to 5 converter Transmitter required 3V while rest of components required 5V 3 to 5 Boost Converter Circuit
3V to 5V Boost Converter Schematic
3V to 5V Boost Converter Plots/Tests
Remote Module 7-Segment Display, Microcontroller, and Switches 4 push button Switches Microcontroller ATMEGA328P 7-Segment Display with LED Drivers
Original Hardware Design (Microcontroller) To operate the ATMEGA328P on the breadboard, a 16MHz Crystal and capacitors are required Original Microcontroller schematic
Revised Design (Microcontroller) 16MHz crystal and and 2 x 22pF capacitors were added on the circuit Revised microcontroller schematic
Original Hardware Design (Seven segment Display) Common-cathode lines on seven segment display connected to 3V supply instead of ground Each LED driver shares STCP and SHCP signal from microcontroller instead of having separate signals Original 7-Segment Schematic
Revised Hardware Design (Seven Segment Display) Seven segments are connected to ground Separated STCP and SHCP signals on microcontroller Revised 7-Segment Schematic
Software Requirement for Remote Read input from 4 switches Control seven segment display Send 8-bit data (time & pressure) to transmitter
8-Bit Data of Pressure and Time Microcontroller can output 8-bit serial data output data = x x x x | y y y y First 4-bit(x) : Pressure strength (0~3) : 0000~0011 Last 4-bit(y) : Duration(0~9) : 0000~1001 Ex) if user sets pressure to 3 and time to 9, then output data =
Software Requirement for Belt Read data from receiver Read data from sensor Process data and control motor with valve
Flow Chart of Remote Module Time and pressure switches make increments of each values Each value is converted to 8-bit data for 7-segment display When start switch is pressed, data is sent to transmitter
Flow Chart of Belt Module Code records received data Code processes both received data and pressure sensor data Control outputs for motor and valve with processed data
Programming Challenges (Original Code) Delay function puts microcontroller to sleep In sleep, it can’t read new data Serial Monitor of Belt Module (Original)
Programming Challenges Overcome (Revised Code) Millis function allows microcontroller to multi-task Can read new data during operation Serial Monitor of Belt Module (Revised Code)
Receiver-Transmitter Specifications Receives digital data from microcontroller at 9.6 kbps Transmits data at 418 +/- 3 MHz Receives that data at 418 +/- 3 MHz Converts received data back to digital for microcontroller
Receiver-Transmitter Plots/Testing Digital waveform input to transmitter at 4.8KHz, created by waveform generator Output of Transmitter/Input of receiver Output of receiver
Main Belt PCB Motor/Valve Control Receiver/ Antenna Voltage Regulator
Main Belt Features Receiver and antenna, receives data at 418 +/- 3 MHz and converts to digital signal at 4.8Kbps Motor control for inflation and solenoid valve control for deflation Voltage regulator Force sensor
Main Belt Voltage Supply Batteries supply 6V for running the motor at maximum operation Voltage regulator reduces to 5V for the microcontroller and force sensor Diodes drop voltage to 3.3 +/- 0.3V for receiver
Main Belt Motor Control Original Design Original design included a H- bridge for motor control Expecting inflation and deflation capabilities Hex-Bridge schematic
Updated Main Belt Motor/Valve Control Simpler design utilizing a BJT as a switch Same circuit for both valve and air pump Air Pump/Valve control
Force Sensor Original design included a pressure sensor Force sensor testing after demo Larger fluctuations in voltage compared to pressure sensor (0-1.5V versus mV) Force sensor voltage readings, 200mV divisions over 15 seconds
Hardware Failures Boost converter couldn’t supply enough current PCB design flaws Antenna range Broken pressure sensor
Future Work More efficient PCB design Low power indicators Bluetooth/Transceiver chip LCD display for more user friendly interface Phone App to replace remote control
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