Welcome to Recruitment & Selection HRMT 3135. 2 The Purpose of this Course We need to ensure that R&S practices:  are valid, reliable and legally defensible.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Recruitment & Selection HRMT 3135

2 The Purpose of this Course We need to ensure that R&S practices:  are valid, reliable and legally defensible  comply with relevant legislation  involve the ethical treatment of job applicants throughout the process  They do not involve hunches, guesses, etc

Learning Outcomes / Objectives  Successfully develop and implement strategically aligned R&S programs to manage employee attraction, selection, and retention to achieve the organization’s strategic requirements  understand and be able to recruit and select the “best fit” candidate for the organizations culture based on competency and skill requirements

An Introduction to Recruitment and Selection

Chapter Learning Outcomes  After reading this chapter you should:  Appreciate the importance and relevance of recruitment and selection to Canadian organizations  Know where recruitment and selection fit into the organization as a whole and the human resources management system in particular © 2013 by Nelson Education5

Chapter Learning Outcomes (continued)  Understand how changes in technology, global competition, changing labour force demographics, and increasing government regulation and societal pressures for conformity to ethical, environmental, and human rights standards have an impact on recruitment and selection © 2013 by Nelson Education6

Chapter Learning Outcomes (continued)  Be aware of which professional associations and groups in Canada have a stake in recruitment and selection  Become familiar with basic ethical and professional issues in recruitment and selection © 2013 by Nelson Education7

Why Recruitment and Selection Matter  Best practices:  Involve the ethical treatment of job applicants throughout the recruiting and hiring process  Result from HR professionals following the accepted standards and principles of professional associations  Are legally defensible (e.g., Human Rights legislation)  Reduce employee turnover and increase productivity © 2013 by Nelson Education8

Why Recruitment and Selection Matter (continued)  Are responsible for a firm’s relative profit  Correlate with an organization’s long-term profitability and production ratios  Help to establish employee trust  Improve the Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Attributes (KSAO’s) of current and future employees, increase motivation, and retain high quality workers © 2013 by Nelson Education9

What is Recruitment?  Recruitment: the generation of an applicant pool for a position or job in order to provide the required number of candidates for a subsequent selection or promotion program © 2013 by Nelson Education10

What is Selection?  Selection: the choice of job candidates from a previously generated applicant pool in a way that will meet management goals and objectives as well as current legal requirements © 2013 by Nelson Education11

© 2013 by Nelson Education12

A Systems View of HR  Two basic principles underlie the model presented in Figure 1.1 (p. 6)  Principle 1: HRM must carefully coordinate its activities with the other organizational units and people if the larger system is to function properly  Principle 2: HR managers must think in systems terms and have the welfare of the whole organization in mind © 2013 by Nelson Education13

Recruitment and Selection and the HR Profession  HR functions :  Must keep abreast of developments in their field through continuous learning  Responsible for knowing the latest legal and scientific information related to R & S  Responsible for implementing policies and procedures in accordance with accepted professional standards © 2013 by Nelson Education14

© 2010 by Nelson Education Ltd.15 Ethics and R&S  Ethics are the means by which we distinguish what is right from what is wrong, what is moral from what is immoral, what may be done from what may not be done  Professional standards: provide guidance on how HR professionals should behave in certain situations including the use of employment tests

Ethical Dilemmas  Applicant testing: ethical dilemmas frequently occur during the testing of job applicants with various selection tools  Employment interview: subject to the same set of regulations as any other employment test and must meet professional standards when used in making high-stakes decisions © 2013 by Nelson Education16

Social/Economic Factors Affecting Recruitment and Selection  Global Competition  Rapid Advances in Technology and Internet  Changing Work-Force Demographics  Economic Context (supply/demand)  Type of Organization (public/private)  Organizational Restructuring (flattening, etc)  Redefining Jobs  Best Practices © 2013 by Nelson Education17