Effective Practices for a Successful Standards Review
History Spring present Purpose Ensure that State Commissions have adequate operational systems in place for the administration of federal funds in order to implement national service The Corporation has an effective tool for assessing state commission capacities & facilitating responsive T&TA
Status commissions completed one review commissions completed a second review Changes since 2006 – Greater emphasis on “Preparation” and “Resolution”
Administrative Standards Review TOOL Standard 1: Uses a Planning and Assessment Process –Objective: The Commission has a planning and assessment process for developing strategies and objectives that reflect its mission, resources and constituencies Standard 2: Staff management and Effective Board Governance –Objective: The Commission practices good management procedures and helps ensure that Commissioners fulfill their roles
Standard 3: Communicates with and Generates Support from Outside Sources –Objective: The Commission takes a proactive approach to communicating and generating support; Ensures that a wide variety of constituencies are informed about national service in the state; Takes action to generate support for the Commission and for national service programs Standard 4: Utilizes Appropriate Financial and Management Systems –Objective -- The commission provides a ppropriate administrative and financial oversight and reporting
Standard 5: Conducts Proper Sub-grant Process –Objective -- The Commission conducts a grant process for all its Corporation sub-grants that follows both state and federal requirements Standard 6: Properly Monitors Sub-grantees and Ensures Compliance –Objective -- The Commission conducts proper oversight of all of its Corporation sub-grantees
Standard 7: Implements a System for Training & Technical Assistance –Objective -- Assess whether the Commission provides adequate training & technical assistance for its Corporation sub- grantees
Element 7.a. The commission has an adequate written process for regularly assessing the T&TA needs of its CNCS sub-grantees. (Components Noted) –Written/web survey –Meeting topic –During site visits –During telephone conversations –Other (please identify here) –Source: 45 CFR § (f)
Element 7.b. The commission has an adequate process for providing training & technical assistance to its Corporation sub-grantees. (Components Noted) The commission has a T&TA plan (PDAT and/or Unified State Training Plan and/or other documents) The commission uses the results of needs assessments for its T&TA plan The commission implements the T&TA plan The commission gets feedback on and evaluates the T&TA it provides to its CNCS sub-grantee The commission uses the results of the feedback and evaluation to create the next T&TA plan and/or to make adjustments to the plan The T&TA provided by the commission is adequate to meet the needs of its CNCS sub-grantees Source: 45 CFR § (g)
Element 7.c. The commission uses its disability grant to provide reasonable accommodations for members with disabilities and to provide T&TA assistance to sub-grantees in the placement and inclusion of applicants with disabilities. Such efforts may include outreach and recruitment, reasonable accommodation and capacity-building. (Components Noted) Recruitment efforts have been undertaken for members with disabilities: e.g. web site; brochures and other materials in accessible formats; contacts and outreach with organizations working with people with disabilities Collaboration with disability organizations Policies, procedures or processes are in place to handle requests for reasonable accommodations for members with disabilities. Assistance has been provided to build the capacity of subgrantees to include people with disabilities. Other: (please identify here) Source: 45 CFR § New Element
Standard 8: Provides Appropriate Financial Oversight for Sub-grantees –Objective – The commission provides appropriate review, monitoring, oversight, and assistance for the financial and administrative policies and practices of sub-grantees
The Administrative Standards Review Tool was developed for State Commissions It can be a resource for other programs since it outlines basic elements for effective administrative operations
ASR Information Administrative Standards Review FAQs, history, purpose, and the Standards Tool are available on-line at: manage/oversight.asp
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