OFSTED UPDATE 2013 IMPLICATIONS FOR HEADS OF SCIENCE The ‘new’ framework September revisions since 2012 Sharper Focus on: Governance & Leadership middle Leadership, TLR holders, UPS, adults in the classroom contribution to T & L, developing others & impact on outcomes Subjects Ebacc English Maths Science Humanities and MFL PE and physical well being under-performing subjects
IMPLICATIONS FOR HEADS OF SCIENCE Teaching & Learning - How dept develops students’ “thirst for” / growth in knowledge - Reading, writing, communication, Maths across the school -Teaching of reading to the weakest students -Students’ engagement and enjoyment of learning -Teachers having the confidence to ‘let go’ of the learning and letting the students show what they can do -More on progress than attainment 4 levels of progress for outstanding - Accurate assessment and tracking of all students and groups
IMPLICATIONS FOR HEADS OF SCIENCE Progress of groups - SA SA + Statemented - Pupil Premium looked after / FSM / army / groups by prior attainment from different starting points - low middle high Reading progress across the school focus on the weakest students – listening to them read Differentiation not just by outcome Behaviour = attitudes to learning as well as around school Students’ understanding of bullying e-safety etc.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HEADS OF SCIENCE Presentation in books, writing SPG spelling, punctuation and grammar across the curriculum Information advice and guidance, careers education Feedback and marking - student response to feedback It is the students, not the staff, who get outstanding Staff have to let the students take the lead and show what they can do.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HEADS OF SCIENCE Implications for Science Departments Science link governor ? Making sure all TLR holders and UPS staff are being used to support learning Finding ways to show that students are curious to learn more How do you promote independent learning, let students go and prevent too much teacher direction and talk? How do you show that the Science dept knows the Pupil Premium students and how they are supporting them Demonstrating contribution to whole school RWC and Maths How is student response to feedback made visible?