Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS JMA’s Cal/Val activities Presented to CGMS-44 Working Group II session, JMA-WP-05, agenda item 8 Japan Meteorological Agency In response to A43.04: CGMS operators to provide a report on their approach on cal/val, including information on dedicated campaigns and permanent sites, and potential support to cal/val infrastructure, in order to maximize benefits of satellite missions.
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contents Calibration and Validation of Himawari-8/AHI – On-board calibration for VIS/NIR bands – Inter-calibration and vicarious calibration for VIS/NIR/IR bands – Image Quality Monitoring Acknowledgement JMA is grateful to JAXA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, GSICS and researchers in Japanese Universities for our collaboration on Cal/Val and products development.
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Band [µm] Solar Diffuser Black Body GSICS (IR) GSICS (DCC) GSICS (Moon) RT simulation Ray matching GEO- GEO Band1 [0.47]Y(Y) YYY Band2 [0.51]Y(Y) YYY Band3 [0.64]Y(Y) YYY Band4 [0.86]Y(Y) YYY Band5 [1.6]Y(Y) YYY Band6 [2.3]Y(Y) YYY Band7 [3.9]YYY Band8 [6.2]YYY Band9 [6.9]YYY Band10 [7.3]YYY Band11 [8.6]YYY Band12 [9.6]YYY Band13 [10.4]YYY Band14 [11.2]YYY Band15 [12.4]YYY Band16 [13.3]YYY (Y) : under implementation Himawari-8/AHI Radiometric Calibration Methods for VIS/NIR/IR Bands
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS On-board Calibration for VIS/NIR bands Band 1 (0.47μm) Band 2 (0.51μm) Band 3 (0.64μm) Band 4 (0.86μm) Band 5 (1.6μm) Band 6 (2.3μm) 1% Solar diffuser (SD) observation : ~once every 2 weeks Operational calibration slope for L1B equiv. data: updated on 8 June 2015 Degradation: ~1% / year in Bands 1-4, not clear in Bands 5 and 6 Generally consistent results with other calibration methods (will be shown later) Time series of inverse of calibration slope w.r.t. 7 March 2015 observation
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS TB biases for IR bands: very stable - less than 0.2K for standard scenes Band 7 (3.9μm) Band 8 (6.2 μm) Band 9 (6.9 μm) Band 10 (7.3 μm) Band 11 (8.6 μm) Band 12 (9.6 μm) Band 13 (10.4 μm) Band 14 (11.2 μm) Band 15 (12.4 μm) Band 16 (13.3 μm) TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] TB Bias [K] Standard scene: typical scene defined as 1976 US Standard Atmosphere at nadir, at night, in clear sky, over the sea with SST=288.15K and a wind speed= 7m/s
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Monthly statistics in February 2016 No significant diurnal variation in Himawari-8 Small variation in Himawari-8: under investigation Time dependence of TB biases for IR bands Reference sensors: Metop-A/IASI Metop-B/IASI Aqua/AIRS S-NPP/CrIS MTSAT-2/Imager Himawari-8/AHI [K] [UTC] [UTC] [UTC] midnight
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS A)Ray-matching with reference to S-NPP/VIIRS B)Comparison with simulated TOA radiance based on a radiative transfer model C)Comparison with deep convective cloud measurements by Aqua/MODIS D)Comparison with simulated lunar irradiance using GIRO (GSICS Implementation of the ROLO model) Inter-calibration and Vicarious Calibration for VIS/NIR Bands C) and D) are under implementation
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Improvement of accuracy after updating calibration slopes based on SD observation +6.1% bias for band 5, -4.3 % bias for band 6 based on ray-matching validation Band 1 (0.47μm) Band 2 (0.51μm) Band 3 (0.64μm) Band 4 (0.86μm) Band 5 (1.6μm) Band 6 (2.3μm) Validation of VNIR calibration slopes using RT simulation and Ray-matching approach Update of calibration slopes Ray-matching: radiance comparison RT simulation: reflectivity comparison
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Existing GSICS standard inter-calibration Very good for quantitative data quality analysis, but not frequently available, non real-time Qualitative data quality monitoring system on a real-time basis AHI image is compared with previous full-disk observing cycle (i.e. 10 minutes before) To identify unexpected anomalies such as stray light Very useful for quick quality check of various processing changes Detection of gradual change of observation trend is beyond the scope Monitoring of Himawari-8/AHI Image Quality for Internal Use Band 7 (3.9μm) Tb difference between 14:00 and 13:50 UTC on 26 October 2015 Red lines over the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic represent the effects of stray light from solar interference
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thresholds based on NWP bias monitoring system at ECMWF Time-independent hard-limit threshold to highlight deviations beyond its normal range Stricter soft-limit threshold using data from a certain period before the observation - Diurnal variations is also taken into account Monitoring system beeps to alert operators when the difference exceeds the thresholds Real time alerting system of Himawari-8 observation Time-series representation of full-disk averaged Band-13 Tb Lunar interference to deep space observation for calibration (ground processing system was updated in Sep to avoid lunar interference) Time [UTC] Tb difference [K] 4-5 August, 2015
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Summary Calibration and Validation of Himawari-8/AHI On-board calibration for VIS/NIR bands Calibration slope for L1B equiv. data: updated in June 2015 based on solar diffuser observation Degradation: ~1% / year in Bands 1-4, not clear in Bands 5 and 6 Inter-calibration and vicarious calibration for VIS/NIR/IR bands IR: TB biases: very stable - less than 0.2K for standard scenes, no significant diurnal variation VIS/NIR (reflectivity/radiance): Accuracy was reduced after the update of calibration slopes, but +/- 4-6% biases still remain in band 5 and 6 (1.6 and 2.3 μm) Image Quality Monitoring Qualitative data quality monitoring system on a real-time basis Useful for identifying unexpected anomalies, quick quality check of various processing changes Alerting function to operators when the anomalies are detected
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thanks for your attention