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Accounting Principles, Eighth Edition CHAPTER 2 THE RECORDING PROCESS تسجيل العملية. Accounting Principles, Eighth Edition
Study Objectives اهداف الدراسة Explain what an account is and how it helps in the recording process. Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions. Identify the basic steps in the recording process. Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process. Explain what a ledger is and how it helps in the recording process. Explain what posting is and how it helps in the recording process. Prepare a trial balance and explain its purposes. شرح حساب ، وكيف أنها تساعد في عملية التسجيل. تحديد ديون وقروض وشرح استخدامها في تسجيل المعاملات التجارية. تحديد الخطوات الأساسية في عملية التسجيل. شرح مجلة وكيف أنها تساعد في عملية التسجيل. شرح ما هو دفتر الأستاذ ، وكيف أنها تساعد في عملية التسجيل. شرح ما نشر هو وكيف أنها تساعد في عملية التسجيل. إعداد ميزان المراجعة وشرح مقاصدها. 1. On the topic, “Challenges Facing Financial Accounting,” what did the AICPA Special Committee on Financial Reporting suggest should be included in future financial statements? Non-financial Measurements (customer satisfaction indexes, backlog information, and reject rates on goods purchases). Forward-looking Information Soft Assets (a company’s know-how, market dominance, marketing setup, well-trained employees, and brand image). Timeliness (no real time financial information)
The Recording Process في عملية تسجيل The Account الحساب Steps in the Recording Process الخطوات في عملية التسجيل The Recording Process Illustrated شرح عميلة التسجيل The Trial Balance ميزان المراجعة Summary illustration of journalizing and posting Journal Ledger Limitations of a trial balance Locating errors Use of dollar signs Debits and credits Expansion of basic equation Service Cost - Actuaries compute service cost as the present value of the new benefits earned by employees during the year. Future salary levels considered in calculation. Interest on Liability - Interest accrues each year on the PBO just as it does on any discounted debt. Actual Return on Plan Assets - Increase in pension funds from interest, dividends, and realized and unrealized changes in the fair market value of the plan assets. Amortization of Unrecognized Prior Service Cost - The cost of providing retroactive benefits is allocated to pension expense in the future, specifically to the remaining service-years of the affected employees. Gain or Loss - Volatility in pension expense can be caused by sudden and large changes in the market value of plan assets and by changes in the projected benefit obligation. Two items comprise the gain or loss: difference between the actual return and the expected return on plan assets and, amortization of the unrecognized net gain or loss from previous periods مجلة الأستاذ موجز التوضيح من التدوين ونشر ديون وقروض التوسع في المعادلة الأساسية قيود على رصيد تجريبي العثور على الأخطاء استخدام علامات الدولار
An Account can be illustrated in a T-Account form. The Account الحساب Record of increases and decreases in a specific asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense item. Debit = “Left” Credit = “Right” Account حساب سجل للزيادة والنقصان في موجودات محددة ، والمسؤولية والإنصاف ، والإيرادات ، أو بند النفقات. الخصم = "اليسار" الائتمان = "حق" An Account can be illustrated in a T-Account form. ويمكن توضيح حساب في شكل تي الحساب. LO 1 Explain what an account is and how it helps in the recording process.
Debits and Credits ديون وقروض Double-entry accounting system Each transaction must affect two or more accounts to keep the basic accounting equation in balance. Recording done by debiting at least one account and crediting another. DEBITS must equal CREDITS. القيد المزدوج نظام المحاسبة ويجب على كل المعاملات تؤثر اثنين أو أكثر من الحسابات للحفاظ على معادلة التوازن في المحاسبة الأساسية. تسجيل القيام بالخصم على الأقل حساب واحد والاعتماد آخر. يجب الحسم المساواة الائتمانات. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Credits ديون وقروض If Debits are greater than Credits, the account will have a debit balance. إذا الحسم أكبر من الاعتمادات ، وحساب ورصيد مدين. Transaction #1 $10,000 $3,000 Transaction #2 Transaction #3 المعاملات 8,000 Balance الميزانية $15,000 LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Creditsديون وقروض If Credits are greater than Debits, the account will have a credit balance. إذا قروض أكبر من الحسم ، وسوف يكون هناك توازن حساب الائتمان. Transaction #1 المعاملات $10,000 $3,000 Transaction #2 8,000 Transaction #3 Balance الميزانية $1,000 LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Credits Summaryديون وقروض ملخص Normal Balance Debit طبيعي رصيد مدين Normal Balance Credit طبيعي رصيد الاعتماد LO 2
Debits and Credits Summaryديون وقروض ملخص الميزانية العمومية Balance Sheet بيان الدخلIncome Statement Asset الاصول = Liability المسؤولية + Equity الانصاف Revenue االايرادات - Expense حساب Debit مدين Credit الائتمان LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Credits Summaryديون وقروض ملخص Review Question Debits: increase both assets and liabilities. decrease both assets and liabilities. increase assets and decrease liabilities. decrease assets and increase liabilities. الأرصدة المدينة : زيادة الأصول والخصوم على حد سواء. انخفاض الأصول والخصوم على حد سواء. زيادة الموجودات والمطلوبات الانخفاض. انخفاض الموجودات والمطلوبات زيادة. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Credits Summaryديون وقروض ملخص Discussion Question Q4. Maria Alvarez, a beginning accounting student, believes debit balances are favorable and credit balances are unfavorable. Is Maria correct? Discuss. See notes page for discussion Question 2-4 (textbook) Maria is incorrect. A debit balance only means that debits amounts exceed credit amounts in an account. Conversely, a credit balance only means that credit amounts are greater than debit amounts in an account. Thus, a debit or credit balance is neither favorable nor unfavorable. Q4. ماريا الفاريز ، وهو طالب محاسبة البداية ، يعتقد أرصدة مدينة وأرصدة المواتية وغير المواتية الائتمان. ماريا الصحيح؟ مناقشة. تلاحظ انظر الصفحة للمناقشة LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Assets and Liabilities الاصول والخصوم Assets - Debits should exceed credits. Liabilities – Credits should exceed debits. The normal balance is on the increase side. الأصول -- أن الحسم تتجاوز الاعتمادات. الخصوم -- ينبغي أن تتجاوز الاعتمادات الخصوم. بالتوازن الطبيعي على الجانب الزيادة. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Owners’ Equityأصحاب الأسهم Owner’s investments and revenues increase owner’s equity (credit). Owner’s drawings and expenses decrease owner’s equity (debit). المالكين الاستثمارات وعائدات الأسهم لزيادة مالك (الائتمان). المالكين الرسوم والنفقات مالك الأسهم انخفاضا في (مدين). LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Revenue and Expenseالإيرادات والنفقات The purpose of earning revenues is to benefit the owner(s). The effect of debits and credits on revenue accounts is the same as their effect on Owner’s Capital. Expenses have the opposite effect: expenses decrease owner’s equity. الغرض من كسب عائدات هو لصالح مالك (ق). تأثير من ديون وقروض على حسابات الإيرادات هو نفس تأثيرها على رأس المال المالك. المصروفات يكون له تأثير عكسي : الإنصاف وانخفاض نفقات مالك. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Debits and Credits Summaryديون وقروض ملخص Review Question Accounts that normally have debit balances are: assets, expenses, and revenues. assets, expenses, and owner’s capital. assets, liabilities, and owner’s drawings. assets, owner’s drawings, and expenses. الحسابات التي عادة أرصدة مدينة هي : الأصول ، والمصروفات ، والإيرادات. الأصول ، والمصروفات ، ورأس المال المالكين. الأصول والخصوم ، ورسومات المالك. الأصول والرسومات المالكين ، والنفقات. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Expansion of the Basic Equationالتوسع في المعادلة الأساسية Relationship among the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity of a business: العلاقة بين الموجودات والمطلوبات وحقوق المساهمين المالكين لرجال الأعمال: : المعادلات الأساسية Basic Equation Illustration 2-11 Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity Expanded Basic Equation توسيع المعادلة الأساسية The equation must be in balance after every transaction. For every Debit there must be a Credit. ويجب أن تكون المعادلة في الميزان بعد كل معاملة. لكل الخصم يجب أن يكون هناك الائتمان. LO 2 Define debits and credits and explain their use in recording business transactions.
Steps in the Recording Processالخطوات في عملية التسجيل Illustration 2-12 Transfer journal information to ledger accounts Analyze each transaction Enter transaction in a journal Business documents, such as a sales slip, a check, a bill, or a cash register tape, provide evidence of the transaction. الوثائق التجارية ، مثل زلة المبيعات والاختيار ، مشروع قانون ، أو النقدية سجل الشريط ، وتقديم أدلة على هذه الصفقة. LO 3 Identify the basic steps in the recording process.
The Journal مجلة Book of original entry (General Ledger). Transactions recorded in chronological order. Contributions to the recording process: Discloses the complete effects of a transaction. Provides a chronological record of transactions. Helps to prevent or locate errors because the debit and credit amounts can be easily compared. الكتاب الأصلي للدخول (الحسابات العامة). تسجيل المعاملات في الترتيب الزمني. المساهمات في عملية التسجيل : يكشف الآثار الكاملة للصفقة. يوفر سجلا زمنيا من المعاملات. يساعد على منع أو تحديد الأخطاء لأنه لا يمكن أن تكون المبالغ الدائنة والمدينة مقارنة بسهولة. LO 3 Identify the basic steps in the recording process.
Journalizing Journalizing - Entering transaction data in the journal. E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 1 Pete Hanshew begins business as a real estate agent with a cash investment of $15,000. 3 Purchases office furniture for $1,900, on account. 6 Sells a house and lot for B. Kidman; bills B. Kidman $3,200 for realty services provided. 27 Pays $700 on balance related to transaction of Oct. 3. 30 Pays the administrative assistant $2,500 salary for Oct. E2-5 Instructions - Journalize the transactions for E2-4. LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 1 Pete Hanshew begins business as a real estate agent with a cash investment of $15,000. General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 3 Purchases office furniture for $1,900, on account. General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 6 Sells a house and lot for B. Kidman; bills B. Kidman $3,200 for realty services provided. General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 27 Pays $700 on balance related to transaction of Oct. 3. General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing E2-4 (Facts) Presented below is information related to Hanshew Real Estate Agency. Oct. 30 Pays the administrative assistant $2,500 salary for Oct. General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
Journalizing Simple Entry – Two accounts, one debit and one credit. Compound Entry – Three or more accounts. Example – On June 15, H. Burns, purchased equipment for $15,000 by paying cash of $10,000 and the balance on account (to be paid within 30 days). General Journal LO 4 Explain what a journal is and how it helps in the recording process.
The Ledger A General Ledger contains the entire group of accounts maintained by a company. The General Ledger includes all the asset, liability, owner’s equity, revenue and expense accounts. LO 5 Explain what a ledger is and how it helps in the recording process.
Chart of Accounts Accounts and account numbers arranged in sequence in which they are presented in the financial statements. LO 6 Explain what posting is and how it helps in the recording process.
Standard Form of Account T-account form used in accounting textbooks. In practice, the account forms used in ledgers are much more structured. LO 5 Explain what a ledger is and how it helps in the recording process.
Posting Posting – the process of transferring amounts from the journal to the ledger accounts. General Journal J1 101 General Ledger Oct. 1 J1 15,000 15,000 LO 6 Explain what posting is and how it helps in the recording process.
Review Question Posting Posting: normally occurs before journalizing. transfers ledger transaction data to the journal. is an optional step in the recording process. transfers journal entries to ledger accounts. LO 6 Explain what posting is and how it helps in the recording process.
The Recording Process Illustrated Illustration 2-19 Follow these steps: 1. Determine what type of account is involved. 2. Determine what items increased or decreased and by how much. 3. Translate the increases and decreases into debits and credits. LO 6 Explain what posting is and how it helps in the recording process.
The Trial Balance A list of accounts and their balances at a given time. Purpose is to prove that debits equal credits. LO 7 Prepare a trial balance and explain its purposes.
Limitations of a Trial Balance The Trial Balance Limitations of a Trial Balance The trial balance may balance even when a transaction is not journalized, a correct journal entry is not posted, a journal entry is posted twice, incorrect accounts are used in journalizing or posting, or offsetting errors are made in recording the amount of a transaction. LO 7 Prepare a trial balance and explain its purposes.
Review Question The Trial Balance A trial balance will not balance if: a correct journal entry is posted twice. the purchase of supplies on account is debited to Supplies and credited to Cash. a $100 cash drawing by the owner is debited to Owner’s Drawing for $1,000 and credited to Cash for $100. a $450 payment on account is debited to Accounts Payable for $45 and credited to Cash for $45. LO 7 Prepare a trial balance and explain its purposes.
Discussion Question Recording Process Q2-19. Jim Benes is confused about how accounting information flows through the accounting system. He believes the flow of information is as follows. Debits and credits posted to the ledger. Business transaction occurs. Information entered in the journal. Financial statements are prepared. Trial balance is prepared. Is Jim correct? If not, indicate to Jim the proper flow of the information. See notes page for discussion Question 2-19 (textbook) No, Jim is not correct . The proper sequence is as follows : ( b ) Business transaction occurs. ( c ) Information entered in the journal. ( a ) Debits and credits are posted to the ledger. ( e ) Trial balance is prepared. ( d ) Financial statements are prepared. LO 7 Prepare a trial balance and explain its purposes.
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