| 1 Market Observatory for Energy. Mission. Tools. Products Christine Berg UPEI – 2 April 2009
| 2 Market Observatory for Energy Mission Contributing to an effective EU energy policy Development of evidence-based EU policy Evaluation of EU policy Contributing to the transparency of energy markets particluar focus on EU perspective
| 3 Market Observatory for Energy Focus Monitoring and analysis of sectoral topics oil, gas, coal, electricity, renewables, … of cross sectoral issues investments, prices,…
| 4 Market Observatory for Energy Tool EMOS = Energy Markets Observation System Database fed with info from institutional and commercial data sources Data scope EU27 + Norway + neighborhood countries + worldwide key data Mainly Oil, Gas, Electricity 13 Providers, 188 regularly updated files (e.g. daily prices)
| 5 Market Observatory for Energy Products Examples. Oil bulletin and Emergency Oil stocks monitoring. Quarterly reports on European Electricity markets. Annual report: SEC (2008) 2871 Europe’s current and future energy position
| 6 Market Observatory for Energy Oil Bulletin: petroleum products - weekly prices Improving the transparency of oil prices and strengthening the internal market
| 7 Market Observatory for Energy Emergency Oil stocks
| 8 Market Observatory for Energy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Development of the oil product prices and taxation in 2008
| 9 Market Observatory for Energy The oil market has witnessed extreme volatility during 2008
| 10 Market Observatory for Energy Main reasons for rise and fall. The rise:. Strong demand (especially in China, India and the Middle East). Insufficient supply. Positive macroeconomic / oil demand outlook related to “decoupling”. Investors’ behaviour (shift from financials to commodities). The fall:. Deepening of the financial crisis and deteriorating forecasts for all the countries. Sharp fall in oil demand overwhelming supply decisions (OPEC production cut). Investors’ behaviour (shift from oil to the safest types of investments)
| 11 Market Observatory for Energy Net oil product prices: rapid pass-through
| 12 Market Observatory for Energy Final oil product prices : rapid pass-through, less volatility
| 13 Market Observatory for Energy Quarterly report on European electricity markets (QREEM). Purpose Monitoring market integration. Target group EC, MS, MEPs. Structure A. Recent developments A.1. Wholesale markets A.1.1. Day ahead A.1.2. Financial markets A.2. Retail markets B. Cross border trade and flows C. “Focus on “
| 14 Market Observatory for Energy Quarterly report on European electricity markets
| 15 Market Observatory for Energy SEC (2008) 2871 Europe’s current and future energy position Annual report of the observatory in support of the 2 nd Strategic Energy Review 4 themes related to the energy security of the European Union EU’s current situation (data source: ESTAT 2006) EU’s demand developments (data source: PRIMES) EU’s indigenous conventional energy resources (data source: JRC et al.) Investments needs in the EU power generation sector (data source: PRIMES and EMOS)
| 16 Market Observatory for Energy
| 17 Market Observatory for Energy 2009 priorities. Expansion of the range and type of reports and publications Quarterly report on European gas markets Monitoring of investment projects Future oil demand and refining capacity Annual report 2009