SLIDE 2 AGENDA 1.What is MarketNet 2.MarketNet Establishment Project Objective 3.Participants Involvement 4.Transition 5.Milestones 6.AEMO Contacts
SLIDE 3 WHAT IS MARKETNET MarketNet is the rebranded and enhanced ex-NEMNet network utilised by Participants to perform their daily transactions between their networks and AEMO market systems. MarketNet provides high availability access to AEMO’s Market Services: o Wholesale and Retail Electricity Markets o Electricity B2B Hub o Wholesale Victorian Gas Market (Future) o Gas B2B Hub (Future) o Logica systems (Future)
SLIDE 4 MARKETNET FEATURES High availability is achieved by -Duplicating key devices and links -Utilising diverse carriers and technologies -Transparently switching between production sites MarketNet supports a number of connection options: -Telstra IPWAN A dedicated data network that combines the flexible communications of IP networks with the reliability and security of traditional data networks -Internet VPN A secure encrypted link between Participant sites and AEMO -ISDN A dialup backup to one of the primary connection methods listed above.
SLIDE 5 AEMO MARKETNET CURRENT & FUTURE Market Participants MarketNet Electricity Systems Logica Gas Systems Existing Gas Connectivity Internal Gas Systems
SLIDE 6 TRANSITION Hansen Services o Hansen provides a connection consolidation service – as do others – no change to this concept o Participants can stay with Hansen if they wish – or o If participants choose to consolidate to their existing MarketNet links– then they may achieve savings by doing so. Targetting o RAS services – want to disestablish, as we can provide this more reliably via VPN or existing MarketNet connections. o VPN connections – want to consolidate on the MarketNet VPN service.
SLIDE 7 MARKETNET ESTABLISHMENT PROJECT The objective of the MarketNet establishment project is to provide Participants with a means of utilising their existing connections via MarketNet, to not only access the AEMO Electricity systems, but also the AEMO Gas systems. A specific outcome for AEMO is to facilitate Market Participants consolidation of their network access methods by offering MarketNet as an alternative for accessing the Gas systems, and thus driving down their ongoing costs There are 3 phases planned for this project -Phase 1 is to enable access to the Gas MIBB systems. -Phase 2 is to enable the access to the Gas FRC systems. -Phase 3 is to enable the access to Logica based Gas systems.
SLIDE 8 PARTICIPANTS INVOLVEMENT No major impact on Participants is expected. Assistance will be required for testing, including a cutover to DR systems. AEMO will be in contact with each Participant to discuss their current connectivity methods to access the gas systems, and investigate the opportunity to utilise their existing MarketNet connectivity to access the same Gas systems. AEMO will require a Business and IT contact from each Participant to facilitate these discussions.
SLIDE 9 MILESTONES Completion Date Milestone 20/12/2010Participant Brief on MarketNet Establishment Project to ITDF 14/01/2011MarketNet MIBB/WebExchanger Design, Deployment & Testing 17/01/2011MarketNet MIBB Access Available 18/03/2011MarketNet Gas FRC Hub Design, Deployment & Testing 21/03/2011MarketNet Gas FRC Access Available 24/03/2011Participants Presentations on new systems access methods 30/06/2011Participants Migrated for MIBB/WebExchanger and Gas FRC Systems
SLIDE 10 AEMO CONTACTS NameDetails David Franz (Project Manager) Principal Network Engineer Stuart GriersonSenior Manager Market IT Consolidation Fred DykmanManager Technical Services and Architectures AEMO Helpdesk