Who is this man called Jesus? Discovering the Bible Class 6
3 OpenerOpener The world’s view of Jesus? Some OT Prophecies...
4 IntroductionIntroduction Over the next 4 weeks... ❖ Where did the Bible come from? ❖ Where did the universe come from (Creation)? ❖ Why is there death, sickness, disease, suffering, and crime in the world today (Corruption)? ❖ What evidence is there that the earth was completely covered with water? (Catastrophe)? 4
5 IntroductionIntroduction Over the next 4 weeks... ❖ Where did all the races of people all over the earth come from (Confusion)? ❖ Who is this man called Jesus (Christ)? ❖ What makes Jesus different than other prophets and teachers in the past (Cross)? ❖ What is the final destiny of all people? (Consummation)? 5
6 IntroductionIntroduction Lesson Objectives ❖ 6.1Describe how Israel became enslaved in Egypt. ❖ 6.2Describe the significance of the passover event as it relates to Israel’s escape from slavery. ❖ 6.3Draw parallels between Israel’s escape from slavery in Egypt and the believer’s escape from slavery in sin. ❖ 6.4State two purposes of the Law. ❖ 6.5State the conditions of the Law Covenant between God and Israel. 6
7 IntroductionIntroduction Lesson Objectives ❖ 6.6Describe God’s expectation in keeping the Law. ❖ 6.7Explain a brief history of Israel from the time that she took possession of the land until the New Testament times. ❖ 6.8Relate the history of Israel to the blessings and curses of the Law. ❖ 6.9Locate prophetic references to the Promised Redeemer in the OT Writings and Prophecies. 7
8 IntroductionIntroduction Lesson Objectives ❖ 6.10Relate the vision that Mary received from the angel to the prophecies given about the Promised Redeemer. ❖ 6.11Compare the conception of Jesus to the conception of all other humans. 8
9 IntroductionIntroduction Turn to page 53 and answer the questions 1 through 5 for review of the content from last week.
All People Abraham IshmaelIsaac ZimranJokshanMedan Midian Jacob Esau Eliphaz ReuelJeushJalam Korah RuebenSimeon LeviJudahPerez Issachar Israel
11 [38,50] The story of Joseph is a fascinating story found in Genesis The short version is this: ❖ Joseph was put into an Egyptian prison ❖ Joseph had the gift of interpreting dreams ❖ The Egyptian king became haunted by dreams ❖ Joseph interpreted the pharaoh’s dreams ❖ Pharaoh then made Joseph the second in command over all Egypt. 11 Jacob and His Sons
12 [39,50] Read Genesis 49:8-10. What blessing/prophecy did Jacob give here to Judah? 12 Jacob and His Sons
13 [40,50] Read Exodus 1:1-7. What happen to the people of Israel while they were in Egypt? [41,50] Read Exodus 1:8-14. Why did the new King over Egypt enslave the Israelites? 13 Israel Became Enslaved
14 [42,50] Read Exodus 1: What plan did the king come up with to try to eliminate? 14 Jacob and His Sons
15 [43,51] There are several names for the people that descended from Abraham through the line of Jacob. They are Hebrews, Israel, and Jew. ❖ “Hebrew” is derived from the name “Eber” - one of Shem’s descendants. ❖ “Israel” was the name that God gave to Jacob ❖ The term Jew comes from the name Judah. ❖ “Gentile” is a name that the Bible uses to refer to anyone not of the “Children of Israel.” 15 Jacob and His Sons
16 Israel’s Release [6,54] Read Exodus 2:1-10. How did God save Moses from death? [7,53] Read Exodus 3:-5, How did God identify himself to Moses?
17 [8,54] Moses had a brother named Aaron who was going to assist Moses in speaking to the Pharaoh on behalf of the people of Israel. [9,54] Read Exodus 5:1-2. What was Pharaoh’s response to Moses and Aaron’s request? Israel’s Release
18 [10,55] Read Exodus 11:4-7. Briefly explain this last plague. [11,55] Read Exodus 12:1-13. What was Israel to do to escape the judgment of this last plague? Israel’s Release
19 [12,55] Some of the qualifications of the sacrificed animal were... ❖ The animal had to be a year-old male lamb or goat without blemish ❖ Everyone in the house had to eat of the lamb ❖ The lamb had to be eaten along with unleavened bread (without yeast) and bitter herbs Israel’s Release
20 ❖ Any remains of the lamb had to be burned up ❖ No bones of the lamb were to be broken ❖ The blood of the lamb was to be painted on the door frame of their houses. Israel’s Release
21 [13,55] What was God’s plan on the night that Israel would sacrifice these lambs? Israel’s Release
22 [14,56] Read Exodus 12: How is God’s mercy, grace, and judgment against sin demonstrated in the passover? [15,56] Read Exodus 12: What was Pharaoh’s response to the death of the firstborn? Israel’s Release
23 Review Questions Answer questions on page 82 of your booklet with someone next to you. You have two minutes.
24 [20,57] Read Exodus 19:1-2a. Where did the Israelite end up after leaving Egypt? Giving of the Law
25 [21,57] Read Exodus 19:3-6. What condition did God make on the people for them to be his treasured possession among all the peoples? [22,57] Read Exodus 19:7-8. How did the people respond to Moses when he told them the words that the Lord commanded him? Giving of the Law
26 [23,57] Read Exodus 24:3-8. What was the people’s response to all that the Lord commanded? [24,57] The agreement between God and Israel is referred to as a Blessings and Curses Covenant. Giving of the Law
27 [25,58] God gave to Israel 613 commandments. These are found in various places throughout the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. This is why these first five books are often referred to as “the Law.” The Ten Commandments
28 [26,58] Two other names for this group of books are the Torah and the Pentateuch. The Ten Commandments
29 [27,58] With a partner, read Exodus 20:1-17. Fill in the blanks below relating to the Ten Commandments. God spoke and said: ❖ You shall have no other gods before me ❖ You shall not make for yourself a carved image ❖ You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain The Ten Commandments
30 ❖ Remember the sabbath and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but on the seventh you shall not do any work...for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth..and rested on the seventh day. ❖ Honor your father and your mother ❖ You shall not murder ❖ You shall not commit adultery ❖ You shall not steal ❖ You shall not lie The Ten Commandments
31 ❖ You shall not covet your neighbor possessions The Ten Commandments
32 Keeping the Law
33 Keeping the Law
34 [28,59] Read James 2:10. If a person breaks only one of these commands, what is he also guilty of? [29,59] Read Matthew 5: What is Jesus teaching here in terms of keeping the law? [29,59] Read Matthew 5: What is Jesus teaching here in terms of keeping the law? Keeping the Law
35 [30,59] God’s standard of perfection is keeping all of his laws in both action and thought. Any slight error in a single law makes us guilty of breaking the whole law! Who can keep the law?? Keeping the Law
36 [31,60] Read Romans 3: According to these verses, what is one purpose of the Law? [32,60] Read Galatians 3:24. According to this verse, what is another purpose of the Law? Purpose of the Law
37 Refer to bullet points on pages [33,61] During the 400 years of silence, God caused many things to happen to prepare for his Promised Redeemer. ❖ Many Jewish synagogues were established throughout the known world at that time ❖ A common language (Greek) was established through the empire Brief History of Israel
38 ❖ A system of roads were built by the Roman Empire helped to easily connect major cities throughout the world ❖ A system of trade routes were established throughout the Mediterranean Sea. ❖ Although Israel was subdued by the Romans, Israel was protected under the Roman Rule from other foreign countries. Brief History of Israel
39 Review Questions Answer questions on page 61 of your booklet with someone next to you. You have two minutes.
40 [38,61] There are over 100 prophecies concerning the coming Promised Redeemer in the Old Testament. Let’s look at a few of them today. Look up verses: ❖ Deuteronomy 18:15, Psalm 110:4, ❖ Isaiah 9:7, Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, ❖ Hosea 11:1, Isaiah 53:4-5. The Redeemer Foretold
41 Deut 18:15 Ps 110:4 Is 9:7 Micah 5:2 Hos 11:1 Is 53:4-5 Is 7:14 He would be a prophet like Moses He would be a priest He would be a King in the line of David He’ll be born of a virgin He’ll be born in Bethlehem He would suffer death He’ll be brought out of Egypt
42 [39,62] Read Luke 1: What attributes of the Promised Deliverer are spoken by the angel to Mary here? ❖ He would be of the House of David ❖ He would be born of a virgin ❖ His name will be Jesus ❖ He will be called the Son of God ❖ He will rule over the house of Jacob forever The Redeemer Foretold
43 [40,62] Read Luke 1: According to this verse, how will Mary, a virgin, conceive a child? The Redeemer Foretold
46 [41,63] Read Luke 1: What was Mary’s response to the angel? From Mary’s response, what must be true of Mary? The Redeemer Foretold
47 [42,63] Read Luke 2:1-7. Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem? Birth of the Deliverer
49 [43,63] Read Luke 2:8-14. What did the shepherds witness in the sky? Birth of the Deliverer
50 Deut 18:15 Ps 110:4 Is 9:7 Micah 5:2 Hos 11:1 Is 53:4-5 Is 7:14 He would be a prophet like Moses He would be a priest He would be a King in the line of David He’ll be born of a virgin He’ll be born in Bethlehem He would suffer death He’ll be brought out of Egypt Matthew 1:1 Luke 2:7 Matthew 2:1
51 Review Questions Answer questions on page 64 of your booklet with someone next to you. You have two minutes.
52 ConclusionConclusion Israel’s release from slavery... The Passover... The purpose of the Law... Israel lived under the Covenant of the Law... Hundreds of Old Testament prophecies predict...
53 browse through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and identify three of your most favorite miracles that Jesus performed. Be prepared to share why they were your favorite and how each miracle relates to some attribute of Jesus. For Next Time...