The Peace-building Partnership
Instrument for Stability Article 3 – assistance in response to situations of crisis or emerging crisis Article 4 – assistance in the context of stable conditions for cooperation Article 4(1) – threats to law and order, to the security and safety of individuals, to critical infrastructure and to public health Article 4 (2) – risk mitigation and preparedness relating to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials or agents Article 4(3 ) – pre- and post-crisis capacity building
Instrument for Stability – Article 4(3) “Support for long-term measures aimed at building and strengthening the capacity of international, regional and sub-regional organizations, state and non-state actors in relation to their efforts in: (a) promoting early-warning, confidence-building, mediation and reconciliation, and addressing emerging inter-community tensions; (b) improving post-conflict and post-disaster recovery. Measures under this point shall include know-how transfer, the exchange of information, risk/threat assessment, research and analysis, early-warning systems and training” This support is called the Peace-building Partnership
Peace-building Partnership Established under the crisis-preparedness component (Article 4.3) of Instrument for Stability Aims at mobilising and consolidating civilian expertise for peace-building Addresses: civil society actors international/regional organizations agencies in EU Member States launched at Conference ‘From Early Warning to Early Action’, Brussels, November 2007 More information:
Peace-building Partnership Over-arching Instrument for Stability ( ) programming documents: Strategy Paper envisages 100 million euro for crisis-preparedness component Indicative Programme envisages 15 million euro for “capacity-building for crisis response” Indicative Programme envisages million euro for building capacity for effective crisis response Annual Action Programmes 2007(7 million euro); 2008 (8 million euro); 2009 (5 million); 2010 (20 million euro); 2011 (draft – 15 million euro)
Annual Action Programmes Priority Areas 1) Peace-building Partnership Support: - call for proposals from civil society sector for capacity-building 2008; - calls from call for proposals from civil society sector for capacity-building 2011 (implemented via EU Delegations in the field) 2) Co-operation with international organizations, notably from the UN on natural resources and conflict (UNDP); post conflict and post disaster needs assessment (UNDP); mediation (DPA/UNDP); peace-building assistance database (PBSO); disaster risk reduction (UNISDR); disarmament, de-mobilization and re-integration (UNDP); women, peace and security (UN Women); security sector reform (DPKO). Co-operation with regional organizations (African Union, League of Arab States) on building early warning capacity 3) Training - work on training standards and training of experts with regard to civilian crisis response (ENTRi) - training with respect to police aspects of civilian stabilization missions
Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN) Set up with a view to enhancing dialogue between EU instiutions and civil society on peace-building issues Operational since August 2010 for a period of three years Managed by the European Peace-building Liaison Office (EPLO), but open to any interested civil society organization Organizes consultation meetings on: - thematic issues (women, peace and security; situations of fragility and conflict; security sector reform); - specific geographical crisis situations (south Cacasus, southern Mediterranean – planned) - Instrument for Stability-related issues ( Strategy Paper) - issues of concern to civil society in individual EU Member States (Finland, the Netherlands, Romania) - in-country meetings to discuss potential contributions of civil society actors to the objectives of CSDP missions In addition to representatives from civil society, relevant representatives from all relevant EU institutions (includingEuropean Parliament), EU Member States and international organizations are invited to these meetings
Peace-building Partnership web-portal Serves as a channel of communication between EU institutions and civil society organizations with regard to developments relating to the Peace-building Partnership and Civil Society Dialogue Network
Peace-building Partnership Andrew Byrne Division for Conflict Prevention, Peace-building and Mediation European External Action Service Tel: