Applicable Large Employers (ALE) ◦ At least 50 full-time employees, or full-time equivalent employees, on average during the prior year ◦ IRS considers full-time – 30 hours/week ◦ Plans offered need to meet minimum requirements Madison – Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage ◦ Certified – 0.5 FTE ◦ Classified – 30 hours/week ◦ Retirees/COBRA ◦ All district plans meet IRS requirements (Co-Pay Gold, Classic Silver, HDHP)
Ensure any employee that exceeds an average of 30 hrs/week over a 12-month period is offered insurance ◦ Madison 12-month period – May 1 through April 30 ◦ Monitor groups, i.e., Long-term subs, Community Ed employees ◦ Employee that qualifies is offered insurance effective July 1 No penalties as long as employee is offered insurance
Furnish health care coverage information to IRS ◦ Deadline – March 31 ◦ Report on every full-time employee covered Number of months covered Dependent information including social security #, date of birth Amount employee contributed toward coverage 936 Employee Transactions Reported New Hire, Termination, Mid-Year Hire, Retirees, COBRA Offer of Coverage, Waived Coverage 259 dependent records reported C forms distributed
Furnish 1095-C to each full-time employee ◦ Deadline – January 31 Extension 2015 – March 31 ◦ Same info as provided to IRS Continual analysis of offer of coverage and full- time employee status