Issue: Pollution, II Water
Water Pollution Water is an essential part of our life- support system—indeed, it covers 71% of the surface of the globe
Water Pollution It serves many, many functions in our lives, including: Modifying the climate 90% of photosynthesis occurs in water Most organisms are 90% water It carries nutrients to cells, helps build cells and carries away waste Helps dilute pollutants and carry them away
Water: Basis of Life Consider the excitement of the Mars Rover
Water Pollution We have discussed already the Hydrological Cycle by which water is purified, approximately taking 10 days
Water Pollution The amount of water remains the same, about 80 trillion gallons Of this 0.003% is available to us, and the supply is far from evenly distributed Salt water is about 97% of the total Of the remaining 3% much is tied up in ice, the atmosphere, in plants and in us The rest is in groundwater
Where does the Water Go? Around the world, three-quarters is used for agriculture, and this has increased 400% since What about here in the USA?
Water in the USA We use highly-purified water for: flushing toilets, washing cars, sprinkling lawns etc. Our water efficiency is very low We use about 90 gallons/day/person, which is three times domestic consumption worldwide, 20 x that in LDCs The public wants drinking water, factories want to flush away waster, and farmers’ fields pour tons of nitrogen into rivers.
We have tried to expand resources by… Building dams Drilling into deeper and deeper groundwater Desalinating seawater Some people have suggested towing icebergs from the Polar regions.
Waste By conservation alone we could save 50% of the water we use By decreasing evaporation and seepage loss Redesigning industry to be water efficient Adjusting water price to reflect value
Water efficiency campaigns
What is the situation in the USA
What have we done about it?