God Uses Water
A World of Water Man is 2/3 water; 60% of our weight; 2 ½ gallons of drinking water is needed each day to live; gallons per person for daily activities; 128 million gallons are used for crop irrigation each day in the US alone. It is most necessary for living.
A World of Water The earth’s surface is 71% water; 140 million sq. miles of oceans (330 million cubic miles of water, 96% of the earth’s water); always used, but never used up. It is most necessary for our environment. About 350,000 gallons of water is needed to grow 1 acre of corn. About 112 gallons passes through a full grown oak tree each day.
Water and the Bible “You all believe in water salvation.” This statement is often made by our religious friends. They imply that they are saved by grace / faith alone, and that we are saved by works & water. 1 Corinthians 1:14-17 is misused to show that water baptism is not that important in God’s plan.
Water and the Bible The issue is this: We are saved by God’s plan and if that plan includes water (among other things), then I must submit to that plan of water (Lk. 7:29-30) If baptism is not used by God “to join the church,” and if it is not used by God “to show that you are already saved,” then how does God use it? Let us examine four purposes of water in God’s plan of salvation
God Uses Water For Salvation from Judgment Examples: Gen.6-7 (1 Pet.3:20; Heb.11:7) -- Noah and his family were saved by water because it took them away from the “death” and “destruction” of the entire world (Gen.7:20-24; 2 Pet.3:5-6) It should be no surprise to find in the NT that baptism “saves” (Mk.16:16; 1 Pet. 3:21)
God Uses Water For Separation from An Old Life Examples: Ex. 14: The Israelites separated from Egyptian bondage and Josh. 3: the Israelites separated from the wilderness wandering It should be no surprise to find in the NT that baptism is the dividing point, or point of separation, between the old life of sin, and new life of salvation (Rom. 6:1-4)
God Uses Water For Restoration from Death Examples: 2 K. 5: Naaman’s skin was restored after washing (Lk. 4:27); Jn. 9:1-7 - The blind man’s sight was restored after washing It should be no surprise to find in the NT that the act of baptism puts us into a new, restored relationship (Mt. 28:19; Jn. 3:5; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12)
God Uses Water For Purification - from Sin Examples: Num.19:9, 21 - The unclean Israelites would be purified (cleansed) with water It should be no surprised to find in the NT that baptism purifies (makes clean by washing) by “washing away sins” (Ac. 2:38; 22:16; Eph.5:26; Heb.10:22)
God Uses Water We have no right to forbid the water of baptism to anyone who is in need of it (Ac.10:47). The Eunuch was not hindered by the water of baptism (Ac.8:36-39), and neither should we be hindered. Yes, God uses water! Will you let God save you, separate you, restore you, and purify you, with water today? Salvation is on the other side of the water!