Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem The golden rule The simplest way to get clean water is to avoid polluting it! Don’t slip into the MIFSLA trap! FG
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem MIFSLA MIx First and Separate LAter Urine 500 l Greywater l Drainage water l Blackwater l To be purified l Puri- fication plant l ’Purified’ Water (Worse than greywater) FOR EACH PERSON connected to the purification plant The real waste Faeces 50 l FG Almost all the nutrients Almost all the bacteria Almost all the water FG Original greywater l Per person per year
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Gotland Number of persons connected to WW plants on Gotland: (60% of ) Annual losses to sea: 130 m 3 per person Total annual losses into the Baltic: 5.1 Mm 3 ( m 3 / day ) = 30% volume of Bästeträsk (14 Mm 3 )
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Greywater purification and recycling 1.The living wall 2.The double-cycle system FG
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Building the living wall in Ljugarn, Gotland FG Klick all
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem The living wall in Ljugarn, Gotland FG Klick all
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Building the ponds in Ljugarn, Gotland FG Klick all
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem The ponds in Ljugarn, Gotland FG
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem The double- cycle system, principle FG
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Methods that supports the rain Increase ecosystem maturity FG
Folke Günther, Holon Ecosystem Thank you!