Electronic Spreadsheets as a Teaching Tool in Translation Practice Classes JOACYR TUPINAMBÁS DE OLIVEIRA POLAND, CRACOW, 2016
Goals 1. Describe the traditional teaching of translation 2. Propose the compilation of a translation learner corpus 3. Explore a learner corpus in translation practice lessons – corpus-based instruction 4. The benefits
Crowded groups (40 – 60 students) Impossibility to provide individual feedback: written or during class Few students get feedback on their translation Some (maybe more than we expect) students don’t care about the quality of the final text (too much)use of translation machines Difficulty in creating a motivating environment in class Students easily space out Instructor-centered classes Students don’t get involved in the learning process Difficulties in teaching translation practice courses
Traditional teaching of translation Instructor selects and assign the text Students translate The instructor “corrects” the translation(s) during class
Instructor- centered class Few students have the chance to read parts of their translation Instructor comments and decides which is the “correct” translation The interaction is teacher - student Some students observe; others take a nap
The solution! Compile a learner corpus and use spread sheet software as a teaching tool in class
Example A sample of a spread sheet with students’ translations
Benefits class preparation is based on the analyses of learners’ translations; teacher caters for students’ real needs spreadsheets are used during the class as tool to explore all translations; students have the opportunity to read every suggestion to each source language segment lesson plan is built based on learners’ translations; traditional methodologies which claim that there is a “correct” translation are left behind
Benefits both instructor and students evaluate each translation students develop a sense of criticism and learn how to evaluate their own texts knowing that all their classmates will read their translations, students work harder on their task
Conclusions Don’t be afraid to try different approaches Corpus linguistics is very useful in the teaching of translation Students learn more when they are involved in the classes Classes prepared based on students’ translations are meaningful and cater for learners’ real needs.
References ALBIR, A. H. Enseñar a traducir: metodología en la formación de traductores e intérpretes - teoría y fichas prácticas. Madrid: Edelsa, BERNARDINI, S. Educating translators for the challenges of the new millennium: The potential of parallel bi-directional corpora. In: HALLER, J.; MAIA, B.; ULRYCH, M. Training the language services provider for the new millennium. Porto: Universidade do Porto, p SANTOS, D. Ser, estar, ficar, haver e ter contra ha, bli e være: quem disse que era fácil traduzir sentimentos e sensações? In: EBELING, S., et al. (Eds.) Corpus-based Studies in Contrastive Linguistics. Oslo: OSLa, Oslo Studies in Language, df.
Dziękuję! Obrigado! Thank you! Joacyr T de Oliveira