Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1 Evaluation of current internationalization and recognition mechanisms Nenad Marković, MSc – prof. dr Dejan Bokonjić – prof. dr Stevan Trbojević Analysis of current situation about internationalization and recognition mechanisms, Banja Luka/ Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein" University of East Sarajevo
Description Title: Evaluation of current internationalization and recognition mechanisms Type of work package: PREPARATION Wider objective : the assessment of the current state and identification areas for changes, as well as the improvement of internationalization and recognition mechanisms. The implementation of this WP is essential for the identification of the present position at all partner institutions, meaning that this WP is an input for all other WPs. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1
Tasks Presentation of internationalization state and measures of all project partners, Presentation of current state in the area of recognition of mechanisms in B&H (entities/ national level), Comparative analysis between all project partners, Self-assessment of all project partners, Creation of SWOT analysis for all project partners, Identification areas for improvement. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1
Related assumptions and risks Assumptions : accurate data by all project partners, readiness for comparative analysis, honestly completing questionnaire, quality SWOT analysis. Risks : presentation of incorrect data, unwillingness for comparative analysis, incorrect filling of questionnaire. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1
Estimated Start/ End Date / Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1
Lead Organisation HE Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1
Outcome 1.1. Title : Analysis of current situation about internationalization and recognition mechanisms Type : Event, report Description : All partners ought to provide a clear overview of the current situation in terms of qualitative and quantitative measures on the state of internationalization and recognition mechanisms. The emphasis will be on the exchange of experiences and good practices with EU partners. The inputs of this activity are well prepared staff to represent the current state of their institutions and their ability to grasp the European cultural context. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.1.
Outcome 1.1. This activity will be carried out through a seminar in Banja Luka (WP leader proposal). Total duration of the activity is four days and it is foreseen that all project partners attend the seminar. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.1.
Outcome 1.1. Travel costs and costs of stay Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.1. Partner number Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay P1KU Leuven P2 Instituto Politecnico do Porto P3 Buckinghamshire New University P5University of Bihac P6 Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar P7University of East Sarajevo P8University of Mostar P9University of Sarajevo P10University of Tuzla P11University of Zenica P12 Centre for Inf. and Recognition of Qualifications in HE P15 Federal Ministry of Education and Science
Outcome 1.2. Title : Creation questionnaire for self-assessment of all B&H partners Type : Report, Service/ Product Description : The aim of this activity is development and creation of the questionnaire for evaluation of internationalisation and recognition mechanisms for all B&H partners. For creation of this questionnaire all relevant European legislation and similar studies will be consulted and all main principles will be incorporated in the questionnaire. Experience of EU partners will be of extreme importance for this deliverable. This activity will contribute to the preparation of the questionnaire which will be the basis for the implementation of activity 1.3. whose results will be the most important outcome of this WP. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.2.
Outcome 1.2. The basic inputs for this activity will be the analysis of the available literature from EHEA about internationalisation and recognition mechanisms. The ultimate goal is the creation of a new form of the questionnaire. The participants of this activity will be the WP leader HE Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska, KU Leuven, Instituto Politecnico do Porto, and Buckinghamshire New University (10 days). Due date: Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.2.
Outcome 1.2. Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer Technician Administration HE Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska 10,0 800 KU Leuven 6, Instituto Politecnico do Porto 9, Buckinghamshire New University 5, Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.2. Staff costs
Outcome 1.3. Title : Implementation of self-assessment in B&H Type : Report Description : The aim of this activity is the implementation of the developed questionnaire within activity 1.2. Through this activity the current state of the BH universities, ministries, agencies and CIP in terms of internationalization and recognition of qualifications will be identified. Completion of the questionnaire will be an obligation of all BH partners, excluding EU partners. This activity will provide a clear identification of key areas of all partners that require reform and quality improvement. Results of the completed questionnaire will be automatically generated immediately upon filling them out by partners. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.3.
Outcome 1.3. The duration of this activity is a total of five working days for each partner institution. The questionnaire will be addressed to all BH universities and other BH partners, excluding EU partners. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.3.
Outcome 1.3. Staff costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.3. Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer TechnicianAdministration UBL 5,0 400 UNBI 5,0 400 UNMO 5,0 400 UES 5,0 400 SVEMO 5,0 400 UNSA 5,0 400 UNTZ 5,0 400 UNZE 5,0 400 CIP 5,0 400 HEA 5,0 400 RS HEAA 5,0 400
Outcome 1.4. Title : SWOT analysis for all partners about internationalization and recognition mechanisms Type : Report Description : After filling out the questionnaires in activity 1.3., this activity aims at defining a SWOT analysis for all BH partners (13 partners). EU partners will develop a separate SWOT analysis for each BH partner which should be the input for all other work packages. Based on these detailed SWOT analysis for BH project partners it will be possible to do a SWOT analysis for entities. Given the complexity of the activities planned duration of a total of 17 working days. For this activity are engaged only EU partners. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.4.
Outcome 1.4. Due date : Staff costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 1.4. Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer TechnicianAdministration KU Leuven 11, Instituto Politecnico do Porto 17, Buckinghamshire New University 10,0 2140
Subcontracting costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP1 InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) RS HEAA Printing materials for WP1 (preparation for events, reports) 300
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education