Building a Muslim Empire
Early Challenges to Islam Muhammad did not name a successor Abu Bakr: Father in law to Muhammad 1st Caliph = successor to Muhammad Reunites tribal leaders under Islam Set out on successful military campaigns: Converted remaining tribes to Islam Ended warfare between Arabs
Recaptured Syria and Palestine from the Byzantines 1st 4 Caliphs = defeat Byzantines and Persians on their borders Recaptured Syria and Palestine from the Byzantines Caputred weakened Persian Empire and took Byzantine Egypt
Where are these Places?
The Divisions Within Islam SHIITES -follow Ali & Fatima(Muhammad’s son-in-law) -IMAMS = religious leaders who can interpret the Quran and life of Muhammad, descendants of Muhammad -minority SUNNIS -felt any good Muslim could lead the community -leader should be male, from Muhammad’s tribe -majority Similarities: Same God Quran is used as a guide 5 Pillars of Islam
Green = Sunni Muslim/Blue = Shiite Muslim
SUFIS Sufis = Muslim Mystics Sought communion with God through meditation, fasting and rituals Helped spread Islam by travelling, setting good examples for others (like Monks and Nuns) Whirling Dervish Emphasized the internal rather than the external Wore wool garments rather than silk and satin-Why? “Pay less attention to the pitcher. Add the water.”
Umayyad Caliphs Umayyad Caliphate: Capital @ Damascus, Syria -followed death of Ali -set up by a powerful Meccan clan of Sunnis -extended Arab rule from Spain to India
Reasons for Muslim Success Weakness of Byzantine & Persian Empires Both fought each other to exhaustion Arabs were welcomed as Liberators Persian & Byzantine leaders mistreated people Arab Fighting Methods Horse & Camel Cavalry…very mobile Common Faith a. Muslims were unified to glorify Islam
Conquered People are Treated Fairly Taxes Special Tax on non-Muslims Could practice their faith & follow their own laws Key Roles in Society Jews & Christians served as doctors, officials and translators Ensured wealth & prosperity for Muslims in conquered lands Voluntary Conversion Over time, many non-Muslims converted voluntarily Drawn to Islam’s simple & direct message—no religious hierarchy
Decline of the Umayyad Caliphate DECLINES Adapt to ruling large cities & huge territories…very different from desert lifestyle 700s = conquests slow… economic tension between wealthy & less fortunate rises Unrest among non-Arab converts to Islam…had fewer rights than Arabs
Rise of the Abbasids A.Founded by Abu al-Abbas: captured Damascus in 750 B. Abbasid dynasty lasted until 1258 C. Changes: -all military conquests are halted -equality for all Muslims -encouraged learning -moved capital from Damascus to Baghdad
Muslim Culture Flourishes in Spain * Surviving members of the Umayyad family flee to Spain Establish an independent Muslim state City of Cordoba becomes a center for learning Jews and Christians are generally tolerated. Arts flourish.
The Muslim Empire Declines Invasions, internal chaos, Mongols, and Seljuk Turks contribute to the decline. What else? For these answers, and others, please refer to your handy dandy reading guide!