„I am a (enter minority group here), hear me roar, in numbers to big to ignore“ Minorities Aboard the Civil Rights Train
This is the dawning of the age of Movements/Revolutions 1.Women 2.Latinos 3.Native Americans 4.LGBT 5.Environmentalists 6.Megabytes
Women‘s Movement 1800s Legally and socially subservient to men patriarchal structure Cult of domesticity Abolitionist Movement Temperance Movement Right to vote s/1960s Traditional gender roles Sexual Revolution 1963: Betty Friedan‘s Feminine Mystique 1966: NOW 1972: Equal Rights Act ERA fails
Native Americans “The nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them. The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians.”
1968: AIM (American Indian Movement) assert their privileges series of lawsuits (challenged treaty violations) Regain lost tribal lands 1969: Occupation of Alcatraz Island Removed by federal officials after 2 years 1973: Back at Wounded Knee Indians surrendered after 71 days AIM a success?
Gay Liberation Movement / LGBT Rights Being gay is a crime June 28 th, 1969: Stonewall Riots 1973: Homosexuality removed from the list of mental disorders 1975: Ban on the employment of homosexuals lifted 1978: Harvey Milk sworn in as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (shot 11 months later) Homosexuality in the Army Movement a success?
Other Movements / Revolutions Tree Huggers: : Rachel Carson Silent Spring Environmental Movement - Clean Air and Water Act and Endangered Species Act - April 22 nd 1970: first Earth Day - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Dawn of “Skynet“ - Apple founded in the 70s revolution in home computers
The 1960s made possible the entrance of numerous members of racial minorities into the mainstream of American life, while leaving unsolved the problem of urban poverty. It set in motion a transformation of the status of women. It changed what Americans expected from government – from clean air and water to medical coverage in old age. And at the same time, it undermined confidence in national leaders. Relations between young and old, men and women, and white and non-white, along with every institution in society changed as a result. – Eric Foner
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