Purdue RP Highlights TeraGrid Round Table November 5, 2009 Carol Song Purdue TeraGrid RP PI Rosen Center for Advanced Computing Purdue University
More Steele nodes for TG usres Steele nodes dedicated for TG users increased to ~200 nodes (x8 cores) thanks to NSF award Queue reconfigured on Oct. 12 Immediate improvement to user experience TG users have access to the whole cluster through standby queues Operating systems upgrade to Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 5 (REL5) TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009
Impact on users TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009
Resources (cont’d) TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009 The Wispy cloud –Added 22 nodes, prepare for SC demo with Kate’s group (application simulating the entire human body from Nick Karonis) –Adding to TG allocation process as an experimental resource –“Virtual Machines hands-on workshop” at the OSG Site Administrator's workshop about Clouds, August. About 20 attendees. Used Wispy during tutorial. (Alex Younts) Condor pool –Condor VM appliances deployed in select computer labs providing a consistent Linux execution environment to users on Windows computers. Scale testing currently. Full deployment in near future. –Condor VM Universe is supported - capability to execute user-submitted VMs. Luster-WAN deployment –Will deploy on head nodes and servers, mount IU Data Capacitor soon –Deployment on worker nodes TBD (private IP space)
Support class use this semester –Graduate class POL 520/EAS 591 (Purdue) Models in Climate Change Science and Policy Students work in interdisciplinary teams (at least one liberal arts and one College of Science student in each team) semester-long projects to generate policy recommendations based on their own analysis of output from a suite of scientific, economic, and political models of climate change impacts. Educate about use and misuse of complex models so they will be better builders/consumers of the future, integrated, complex models. –Worked with instructors to define class projects –Test runs for more accurate estimate of computation time and space need –Awarded TRAC allocation on Steele, Queenbee and Ranger for the CCSM portal community user. –Submit simulation to other TG systems based on queue information (work in progress) TG Climate Model Portal TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009
Year 5 GIG ESG/CCSM Project Purdue and NCAR kicked off the new GIG SGW project “Establish an initial phase of an Environmental Science Gateway on the TeraGrid”. To establish a Science Gateway for the Earth System Sciences on the TeraGrid building on NCAR’s ESG-C gateway and Purdue’s TG CCSM portal. The two RP teams have conference, defined detailed tasks and began the initial design for remote invocation of climate model runs and data publishing at the ESG. In design phase –Concall biweekly –Exchanged documentation, tarballs, … –Learning about ESG/ESGC system, investigate on how to integrate and potential issues Components –Publish ccsm data to ESG –Provide invocation interface for model run on TG run remotely from ESG portal TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009
Released two Google gadgets of real time satellite data viewer –GOES-12 viewer updated every 15 minutes animation (past 2 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr) cloud cover, cloud pressure, water vapor –MODIS viewer fire detection, sea surface temperature from Aqua and Terra animation (data in last 7 days) –Link to PRESTIGE – subscription system –Used Flash and other Web 2.0 technologies –Paper to be presented at GCE’09/SC09 Search “purdue satellite” at Google’s gadget directory Reaching out via Google Gadgets TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009
Outreach and Broader Impact Purdue’s effort in building the high throughput Condor pool and utilizing idle computing cycles for scientific research and education won the 2009 Campus Technology Innovator at the Campus Technology 2009 Conference and was featured in the August issue of Campus Technology magazine, Boston, MA. Purdue held a local campus CI day event on 9/30/09 where TeraGrid, high throughput computing and science gateways are main features of the day. –The event was aimed especially at faculty and students who are new to research computing resources both at the campus and national level. –57 faculty, staff and students representing 32 departments on the campus have attended the day’s sessions. TeraGrid Round Table, 11/5/2009