At the front of the room I have two potatoes and two stalks of celery. I also have beakers with two different solutions Blue = Distilled waterRed = salt water I am going to place one stalk of celery in the salt water and one stalk in the Distilled water. I will do the same with the two potatoes. 1. Make a prediction for EACH: Celery in saltwaterPotato in saltwater Celery in distilled waterPotato in distilled water 2. Write a few sentences to explain WHY you predict this. (1 mark for each prediction, 4 marks for your explanation. 2 marks if you predict correctly) Total = 10 marks Entrance Assignment
Today: Hand in Entrance assignment Start Celery & Potato Demo Section 2.5 – Cells to Tissues Check & Reflect p.124 – as a class Week 1 Survey Homework: p.125 # 1,2,3,4,5,6 – Due Monday Upcoming: Monday – Review Period Tuesday – Quiz: Sections 1 & 2
Section 2.5 From Cells to Tissues
Cells Reproduce Protozoan Division
Multicellular Organisms Have Special Cells
(In animals)
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Tissue in Plants Photosynthetic Transport Protective